... the light in Amelia's eyes ...
Amelia - "No. You drop whatever I'd assume you're pointing at me, and get that damned light out of my eyes or I'll burn you alive. Which will be loud, annoying, and unpleasant to clean before my captain returns, so I won't. And if you shoot me, that will all still happen."
In a field near a suburb, the Orson stomps on a patrol car.
The officer watches Amelia clean the pipe from behind the duct tape, making mumbled sounds.
Amelia - Looking up angrily and points the sharp the tool, "No mood." A stare. She returns to cleaning, removing the black chunks.
A four
skeleton band, the etcetera backdrop (the theme is awesome monster effects with
cheap sets and costumes, as though the real monsters were playing dress up too).
Andromeda - Looks up over her mead out Morgan, "You know ... you really do look beautiful in that dress."
Morgan - Smiles, "Thank you. I just wish I could run."
Andromeda - "Have you tried the wings ?"
- "Oh no ... I didn't think of that ... hm." Exhaling to calm, "Your
armor ... is truly hideous by the way." Trying to contain laughter.
Andromeda - Laughing, "I know !"
Xquic fills in her picture with a pink sharpie.
Lieu Hanh - Peeks over, "That armor is so cool."
Xquic - Smiles, "Thanks !" Peeks over while Lieu Hanh colors, "Wowww ... we have to make sure she keeps that dress."
Lieu Hanh - Smiles wickedly while coloring, "Definitely."
and Andromeda spot the players talking to an hooded stranger, looking
around suspiciously before handing them a slip of paper.
Dealer Mike - Passing the blunt, " 'Ere !"
Andromeda - Snickering ... "I think that's the 'contact'."
Morgan - "Looks like ... let's do this." She clears her throat and
starts to hover, looking annoyed with flapping wings, turns slowly
toward their meet.
Andromeda - Staring after her as she turns and flutters, "Oh. My. God. ... She loves me."
Lieu Hanh laughs wickedly.
cleaning the pipe, watched silently by the frightened man in duct
tape. A sound. She glares at the officer, he gives a terrified shaking
of head and shrug 'not me'.
She furrows her brow back ...
blare down the caverns, Pala-Dan and Invincinator block with their
shields, but are forced back to the nook in the caves, met by Morgan and
Andromeda. Mocking skeletons dance down the way, hurling a fireball
occasionally to taunt.
Andromeda - "So ... why are we here ?"
Pala-Dan - "That, the evilest of all wizards who hold the unholiest of powers, has also that which we need to continue."
the skeletons, flanked by dragons, Dealer Mike laughs with lightning
crackling from his fingers, all around him the dead continuing to rise
and dance.
He pauses, takes a deep blunt hit, and continues laughing
and coughing with lightning, dragons roaring flames to the air.
Invincinator - "He's not so bad."
Player Mike smiles at Vincent with a side nod and passes him the blunt.
Outside the Orson three patrol cars surround, officers pointing pistols, lights in Amelia's eyes.
Two dice roll through bouncing slowly the smoke ... each landing on twenty ...
The room draws back at the horror of it ...
Mapkeeper - "Wow ... I'm ... sorry ... ?"
Xquic - Wide eyed, as tears start to stream "... my ... character ..."
Hahn - "Oh no !" She hugs her sobbing head glaring at the mapkeeper in
terror and threat, shaking her head, "Nononononono. No. The wizard can
resurrect her. It's OKAY ..."
She glares, turning the RPG toward the
mapkeeper and flipping a switch.
Mapkeeper - Staring at the red
light as the activation whine clicks on, "Yes ! The wizard
can do that !" He turns his head glaring at Dealer Mike, who's smiling
and nodding at the RPG.
Mike - "Yeah ... huh ? Oh yeah I can do that."
- Back of her hand to her forehead dramatically, "Resurrect me ..." She
slumps back hard in the chair to play dead and the chair falls backward
with a crash, "! And then Avenge Me !"
Mike - "That's hardcore."
Xquic - From under the table, "That's right."
Andromeda - Splayed across a wall and on fire, face intact, "Seriously. I can't move."
Officer - On the megaphone, behind the car with guns pointing all around, "Come down from the ... thing and keep you hands where we can see them !"
Amelia - "No! I'm busy ! And you can see my hands, they have rocket launchers in them ! I can't see yours ... but I'm guessing they don't. We're just in an empty field, minding our own, so why don't you mind yours ! And get that damned Light out of my Eyes !"
The Orson turns with a stomp to face them, flipping Andromeda's cannons
around to point forward with a grinding sound seeming close to a growl.
As the sun sets ~
Kurukulla - Spotting a trader leaving the marketplace, teeth clenched behind her mask. "Wilhelm."
Wilhelm freezes, then turns slowly in fear, sees Kurukulla full load
both quads while the gearworkers drop their cloaks, stretching their
neck and arms with fists.
He turns and runs desperately, chased by
rockets, dropping wares. The gearworkers follow as she chases him, picking up what's dropped, "shopping-shopping-shopping."
trader flies flailing through the air in front of the full moon over
explosions, showering the scene with jewels and trinkets (Wilhelm