The Lady Liddell

The Lady Liddell
part one

     Mariposa Liddell, "No relation." was born with a spoon.  Not a silver one, nor steel.  Neither was it brass nor wood, but it certainly was a spoon nonetheless.

     "Mum was a crazy and da was an opium sot."

     Or so the paperwork scrawled.  Names unknown.   Through the tattered naming dictionary for something 'good and Christian' was found her first and a dart to the map on that orphanage wall declared her last.

     By the time she made 20 she started to wonder if that was her spoon ... just a name she'll never know.

The Lady Liddell
part two

     She swept and she swept, it's a thing she didn't question - she's done it since nine.  For nine years she was the girl with the broom.  "Dust bunnies ..." with a twitch of the eye.  All day every she chased them around the orphanage with her angry broom.  "! Dust Bunnies !"  All night long she dreamed.

     She dances with her broomstick, swinging in wide sweeps while every arc across the old wood floor makes them fly in spirals trough the air.  "! AAAAAA !"  The nunnery only tried to take her broom once.

     With a twitch of her eye.

     At 18 the orphanage tossed her into the wild and Oh ! the looker she was ... The bad men waited long for her to leave it's protective walls, while the nuns had to accept that they would need another broom.

     Down the way the crude men awaited her freedom, to take it for themselves.  "Dust bunnies ...", with a twitch of her eye.  Her broom was held both hands in front of her as they approached.   

     "! Dust Bunnies !"  She charges forth into the night swinging her broom in broad arcs.  "! AAAAAA !"

     Pinned to the ground with bits of wood, these dust bunnies would twirl in the wind no more.  But do shed a tear for Mariposa Liddell as she's just broken her only broom.


~ Unrelated later Related ~

To the camera.

Titania - "Well she really wasn't so mannered at all !  Not a bit like the tales, how I heard it.  Snuck through a hole in the ground, you know.  Filthy."

Mab - "Eck !  All covered in dirt and twigs and her dress torn to shreds.  And she ate any little thing they dropped on the ground.  Never read a warning label in her life."

Titania - "Never.  And I just tried to read those books ..." (Mab rolls her eyes) "... but they were all just lies !"

Mab - "And those poor queens !  They really didn't deserve her."

Titania - "They came crying to us when she was finally gone ... crying."

Mab - "It's true.  It was pathetic."

Titania - "Oh yes !  I hate watching people cry."

Mab - "Oh !  It's horrible.  Makes me want to kick platypi."

Titania - Looks at her surprised, "Me too ..."

Investigator - (From the end of 'The Rough Storybook') looks up from his pad, brow up.  "I'm here about Persephone."


Titania - "Who ?"