
     Lazarus was once a toy.  He wasn't born with the name of the man in the cave, his first name was 'Truck'.  And he made a little boy very happy.  His stout and colorful wheels smashed all other toys across floor, table and crib alike.  He was powerful.  Until one day the lawnmower came and he heard the boy cry for him.  Lazarus would not leave the child, though his body lay broken in the yard.

     And then on another day, he woke again.  He was reborn, an "action figure".  ! Oh ! and the boy did love him still !  A true beast of combat and all the other soldiers would listen.  As he told them of days of children's love and how he had seen in the twilight of the yard that as humanity will make a god of their faith, they too could be eternal if they earn the love of just one child.

     Toys awakened and his army grew according to the children's allowance.

     Trades were made among friends in school and his legend spread.  Space ships and monsters eventually crawled into sisters' rooms and whispered secrets to ponies and houses.  Lazarus did not dare to hope the folding house would listen ... and when brothers and sisters would grow and depart the toys would themselves depart their frail shells as well, wandering all until is found another.

     Object spirits express their will in chaos.  That moment when either left or right could occur, the wise object will pick the one that makes sense.  To make a child happy, the kind toy will choose often what's funniest or shows most clearly the important lesson.

     Cars and machines, games and theory, it was all open to them if they could just earn the love of one child.

     It was the folding house who convinced him to settle down.  She whispered that he had forever served one at a time, but if he pursued his true dream, he could serve the world.  Because first and foremost and all along the way, Lazarus was in his heart a scientist.

     And his Lady is the Forge.