Tuesday, January 29, 2019

~ Utakata ~

The crew unloads the gold reserves, while guards stand firm in their wall between them and the market.  Eve speaks quietly with their captain.  As they lean in, she appears to be telling a story which amuses him.

Into the captain's eyes where two crows fly over Camelot, shown as though it were Japanese.

The monk Merlin walks the path to the village after passing beneath Morgan sitting in the tree over him sharpening her katana watching.  Merlin's demon follows twirling around him as they whisper.

He enters the palace before the king, Arthur on his wooden throne, grown with vines.

Merlin - "I've resolved your forebearer's dragons before, and now I come to serve his old throne, seated anew."  He kneels bowing, "And to help you vanquish yours."

Arthur - "I have heard of you, Mistwalker.  Silver be your tongue, yet there be no dragons here."

Merlin - "Think not ?"  The unseen demon unslithers from Merlin's robes unseen and twines into the throne, as Arthur twitches a start.

Arthur - "What comes then, fortune teller ?"

Merlin - "The only god you'll ever need to know."

The well dressed man (the viceroy) kneels before the magistrate in the palace, awaiting command, Akari and Mariko stand on the magistrate's either side.

Magistrate - "And what do you say, spirits."

They lean in and whisper in his ears while he considers.

Magistrate - After a pause then a nod, a smile and small laugh to the side.  Then to the viceroy, "I will meet them."

Morgan shoots Arthur's leg in the field and bringing the gun-blade down hard against Excalibur, shattering it.

Morgan - Putting the blade's tip a moment from his open eye, "Remember me."

She kicks his other kneeling leg out, dropping him on his back, leaving the busy field in passing smoke.

Black screen and a shot.

She walks the path from the Merlin's cave, recovers her merchant gear and pack from the tree, when a woman walks from the woods to the path beneath.

Morgan - Looking down and smiling, "Guinnvera."

Guinnvera - "Morgan.  Did you get it ?"

Morgan - "Tossing the book down, do you have linguists ?"

Guinnvera - Opening the book and smiling, then closing it. "We Dwarven-kind have everything.  We'll keep it deep in the mountainside safe.  Waiting for you."

Distinctly stout men join her from the wood and nod their acknowledgement with a thump to their chest.  They turn back to the trees ...

Guinnvera - Leaving last, "Wander well ..." a giggle, "historian."

The magistrate walks through the marketplace with full guard, the shop keeps and shoppers bow as he returns them, seen well, then following.

Miranda watches as they look to him with true appreciation as he stops between to greet along the way, the guard waiting comfortably as he stalls his way down to them.

She watches as he occasionally stumbles the tiniest bit, recovering unnoticed or ignored, his arm occasionally braced inconspicuously by the well dressed man.

They arrive at the beach, the magistrate at front the viceroy close protectively, the spirits flanking them.

The magistrate looks across them curiously and then across their ships.  He nods and smiles, particularly at the Eden seeming to sway as his gaze passes.

Looking again across the crew he pauses on Miranda and approaches.

Magistrate - In English, "They say you are a ... mermaid.   Yes ?"

Miranda - "... yes."

Magistrate - Smiling and looking more deeply into her eyes.  "And that your ... legs become a tail ... when you dive ?"

Miranda - Draws back a bit, surprised at the weird and obvious question, "Well ... yes !"

Magistrate - A bright laugh, then looking back to his people in excitement.  "... may we see this ?"

Miranda - Looking around a bit shocked ... "Um ..."  Looks at him as though he were insane, "I can swim ..."

She leaps high over the crew and boats as her legs turn to tail, splashing into the water far beyond, trailing her satchel by rope, the crowd watching ... and then splashing back down showering them all while they cheer.

Magistrate - Laughing, "Thank you.  Thank you for this.  Thank you all.  But I'm very sorry.  Your gold is cursed, and we cannot help you.  They will kill us if they find it here."

He bows, takes her hands to kiss them, and turns.

Miranda - "Wait !"

She reaches into the satchel and holds out 'The Book of Names'.

Miranda - "This."


! The End !

After credits, their grinding blades separate.

Morgan - "Hold ?"

They drop guard.

Morgan - "May I see the book ?  My word."

The keeper hesitates before drawing it from the folds of her gown, then sets it on the nearby table, empty cups next to steeping tea,

Morgan sheathes and takes it up, opens to a page and draws the back of her hand down it slowly, one finger touching.

She whips her hand off the page, throwing a circle of fire to the ground, rising to take the magistrate's form.

Morgan - "A beautiful tale."

The keeper stares, horrified, sad, a tear down her eye.

Morgan - "I'm sorry kid.  You're not evil.  As much as you may want to be, you're just not. But the worst evils in the world are always committed by someone trying too hard to be."

The keeper approaches the magistrate holding the book out to her.

Keeper - "You were beautiful tale ... "  She takes the book, "... but that's all."  The magistrate smiles in swirling flames before gone.   

~ continues in ~

The Book of Names