Wednesday, January 30, 2019

~ The Sisterhood ~

The man on the bench looks to examine the questioner.

Him - "You want to know about the ..."  He drinks merlot from the bottle, turns his head and spits in the path, " 'Book of Names' ?"  He drinks deep and swallows, "Ahhh ... Ha !"

Lilith crouches in the jungle, peering through the bushes at a naked and scared man.  Her sister Naamah joins her side crouching.

Naamah - In a hurried whisper "Lilith. We're going to loose the deer."

Lilith - "Look Naamah ..."

Naamah - Peers through to see the strange man. "Who is he ?"

Lilith - "Don't know.  I think he just appeared. There was a tiny gust in all directions from right there.   It spun the scent.  And then this."

Naamah - "He looks sickly ..."

Lilith - Smiles, "He looks like an angel ..."

Naamah - Rolls her eyes, "Well he's not."

Lilith - Smiles broader, "But he looks like one ..."

Naamah - Stands to catch what scent she can to continue the hunt.  "You are the definition of doesn't learn."

Lilith - Slaps her sister's leg with a quiet giggle, "You just go get us dinner.  You clean, I'll cook."

Naamah - "Fine.  But I get your angel for dessert."

Lilith - Concealing a full laugh, "Go you !"

Lilith's eyes widen as she returns to stare at the man while Adam rises, still off balance.   Naamah darts off silently while Lilith whispers to herself.

"Like a baby deer ..."

~ Car headlights swerve to miss a man stumbling down the road naked in flight from the woods.

Razil - "Lilith had that man, then Naamah had a little too.  But Eve ... Eve was the one that took his heart."

~ Eve rides Adam hard while devouring his heart to their mutual ecstasy.

Razil - "And buried it my ... 'Book of Names'."

~ The book slams.

Razil - Throws the bottle down, smashing it and scattering the birds, his voice in a roar.  "And So the Angels became Jealous of him !"

~ Angels face Adam and Eve naked in bed by flaming sword, book under the commander's arm.

Razil - Looks to the sky and smiles, "So I sent Leviathan to get it back."

~ A great serpent devours the angels, turns to a green woman and hands the book to the Razil.

Razil - "I passed it next to Adam's descendants, my rebellious young brothers having been ..."  Smiling teeth, "Quelled."

~ Noah builds his boat from the instructions in the book while Naamah watches, holding his son's hand.

Razil - "From there it went hidden until someone knew to look for it."

~ Solomon reads from the book making great seals to trap demons while Naamah watches with wide eyes.

Razil - "That's the thing about Naamah ..." With a wide and appreciative smile. "She always did love books."

The witness sits slumped in the empty center of where Roanoke was.  A supply ship is docked in the distance, soldiers approach. He looks up at them with madness and a lunge.

~ The Sisterhood ~

Razil - Voiced over, "So why should I take it back ?"

Germain - Enters an estate greet, meeting the lady waiting for him.  With the least due bow, "My lady Naamah.   A recipe."  He hands her a slip.

She takes it suspiciously eying him ...

Naamah - "A blood sample ?"  Suspicion turning to the page ... "Pre-decayed sea life toxins ... and masticated ... datura ?"  She looks up with feigned excitement, "Ooo ... zombies ... better bring the salt."  Returning to read, "But this.  The ingredients for this other compound ... would have to be ..."

Germain - "From Solomon's list.  Practically his own apothecary."

Naamah - Eyeing him suspiciously again before returning, "It's a truth serum."

Germain - "Injected."

Naamah - Raising her brow at him, "And the dead toxin ?"  She looks back to the page.  "And there's more still to it ..."

Germain - "Someone's been reading ..."

Naamah - Crumpling the page upon standing, speaking shortly, "Where's the book ?"

Germain - "Where's my fee ?"

They both half draw blades simultaneously before Naamah sheaths annoyed, he sheaths his.

Naamah - "What do you want ..."

Germain - "I heard a tale about an island, where one may purchase the adrenal fluid of a Cetus."

Naamah - ... "Why ... would you need that ?  I know of no recipe concerning that."

Germain - "It's purely for recreational purposes, I assure you."

Eleanor works the wheel with one hand, Virginia in the other, deck-mate at their side uncomfortably as Eleanor slaps Virginia's hand, releasing the wheel and rocking the boat before she catches it again.

A crewman walks half up the steps and stutters his notice, bracing his hand on the rail, balancing.

Crewman - "Umm ... Missus Dare ..."

Eleanor - "Captain."

Crewman - "Uh.  Yeah.  Well we're ... not sure how that ... happened, actually, and we ..."

Eleanore shoves Virginia at the unprepared deck-mate as the wheel spins off rocking the boat to the side.

Virginia watches excited as the gunshot sounds and giggles watching the downstairs thudding.

Eleanore throws the empty pistol at the head of the man checking the pulse on the headless corpse, knocking him out and pulls two more pistols from her back-sheath pointing them across deck.

The mate faces the crew uncomfortably, holding Virginia as she imitates her mother's gesture with gun pointing fingers.

Eleanor - To the knocked out crewman, "He's dead.  Just like my husband's dead.  Just like any single one, or every single one of you who does not say ..."

She gestures across the deck at those who look suspicious with her guns as does Virginia with her fingers, the boat rocking out of control as the crew starts tumbling ...

Eleanor - "Captain before ever single thing you say to me will be dead."  She back-sheathes the guns, takes Virginia and the wheel, righting the ship.

Razil - In the park, "I'd then should rise again to snatch it ?"  He laughs coat burning off to his armor and blades underneath while the ground breaks up before him.

A four legged machine, The Ezekiel Machine, with four faces turning on one neck, climbs from the ground blasting from the human mouth.  The sky darkens with warrior angels descending, the Er'elim, downward sword to join with it as they raze the park.

View to the city seen in their path as the machine blasts through.

Germain and Naamah walk swiftly through the storm heavy rain down the dock toward the end.

Germain - Shouting over the wind, "The queen has allowed you to join the investigation !  You'll be allowed cabin on the flagship !"

Naamah - "I'll take my own !"

Germain - "There's no need to throw yours to the slaughter !"  Laughing, "She's got plenty !"

Naamah - "I think I've heard enough albatross tales from men on boats, thank you much !  I said I'll take my own !"

Germain - As they approach the four deck gunwale of her well stocked warship, looking down the cannons' row.  "Indeed !  But you'll be heavy to catch her !"

Naamah - As they approach the boarding planks, "I don't need to !  I just need to know where she'll be."  She stops and turns to him with a mocking look, "Probably killing someone who looks a lot like you, little bird."

She smiles briefly and boards, bells from the ship clang and drums pound echoing into the next scene.

All settles quiet in the park again, as it was.

Razil - Still seated, "No."  He prongs a long knife like a claw into the cork, turning the bottle, uncorking it, "It was for you !  Your people !  Your world !"

A woman walks from the woods to the beach before the boat, hull now grown over as a single piece of hard wood, knotted and leafy, with sails spread between formed branches.

It leans on it's side, immobilized on a sand bar.

Woman - Walking alongside it to it's front, she crosses her arms and stares, before furrowing her brow and shouting "! Ruach !" as an echoing shout, sending the boat over heavily to it's other side, the settling.

Woman - Crossing back again, annoyed, "! Ruach !" as the boat slides toward the water.

Woman - Following it as it stops, then stopping with a rage and stomps. "!!! RUACH !!!" and the boat pops a few feet and slides skidding to the water with a splash, righting itself.

The woman smiles, self impressed and jumps in the water swimming toward.

Razil drinks looking sideways at the questioner, "Not my fault you're mostly too stupid to read it right."

He spits in the path, then drinks more down.

The woman eats fruit from the mast while she lies on the boat drifting ...

Satiated with food she closes her eyes for sleep ...

Naamah wheels to stormy up-wave as her personal crew slaughter the British who departed with them and throw their bodies over.

Eleanore - Calling into the night, "! Deck-mate !"

The deck-mate trots by a crewman grinning with two glasses and a bottle of wine.

Crewman - "Whore."

Deck-mate - "Babysitter."

The deck-mate enters the captain's cabin while the crewman descends the hold where Virginia sits in an over sized pirate hat, surrounded by staring crew.

Virginia - "Bang !"

The crew cheers and turns to shanty ('Glass'). 


~ a 3/4 shanty ~

Sweet madness in words ...
The bird that we've heard ...
She's covered in glass and she's found me at last !

Was broken and torn with no shred left forlorn
no teacher she preached to me ever her reached you see, Shards ...

Of glass !

Will always protect her, regards ...
Of masque
Will never infect her, her mind is sweet Madness no teacher can teach her no preacher can reach her prevail or beseech her while Bards ...

! Alas !

They wrongly project her and fools ...
Do think
She needs a protector, her Name is just Madness her Song bears no Sadness and She is the bird we have finally heard ...

! And now we are Covered in Glass !