Monday, December 31, 2018

The Gaslight Invasion Prologue

(original drafted and backed in 2018 from EDL backed in 2017)

~ takes place at the same time as the rough storybook ~

"There is nothing we can do to time which time did not see coming."

~ Prospero ~

Somewhere outside my own home town in the middle of Minnesota, population 632 after us (they changed the sign when we got there).  

A thick dust cloud over a rusted Chevy Fleetline, tall grass growing through its shell, then sweeps to a tall grain field before the harvest.

Through the cloud, a barely visible army charges against a few.  About to be stampeded, an airship taking fire sweeps through dragging rope, as many grabbing as can before it disappears in a swirling cloud.

The nose of a heavy cruiser emerges from the dust clouds followed by stout walkers dragging chains.


In the quiet night the farmer wakes to the battle's last echo, banging out the front door to the porch, shining a light.  He spots a new wall of large stones cemented.

Shining up and down the wall, he catches sight of tall wheat disturbed by motion, what would be by many disappearing into the field, then hears a deep 'Whump' sound. 

He shines light to the sound, nothing seen but twisting grains in dervish breezes cycloning to the source, converging then gone.

Three nocturnes play on scratched records at different speeds to keep the same tempo.  A man turns to a long basement corridor from where the sound echoes, nodding the coffee holding guards to stay behind, waving them off with a dull brass hand.

The visitor's shoe echoes between clanks of his metal leg down the empty halls, even tempo in steps. Sounding as a machine press, hydraulics keeping a vertical step at the ankle.  They stare after his walk with a note of fear.



~ An unknown woman turns running through the woods, leaping off path to duck the Greek soldiers pursuing.

Nyx walks down the street shouting to no one while occasional people stare, just after leaving the temple in the beginning of 'The Rough Storybook'.

Nyx - "They came to us just to live ! Some were lost.  Some were abused.  Some needed the most basic medical care that no one thought they were good enough for.  So we helped them.  And so they came to punish us.  So we punished them and that's when they say it all started."

She glares into the eyes of a woman passing as she stares.

~ Greek soldiers pursue, taking a wrong turn to a clearing, looking about.

Nyx narrating - "And then they watched us disappear.  That's when they say it ended."  She slaps the cup out of a frightened hand she passes glaring.

A guard splashes hot coffee on his hand while the rest sip and laugh.  He takes a drink standing brushing off his pants. 

Getting angrier as she walks, Nyx pushes a man into a pile of trash.  The street view of confusion around her fading to the woods

Nyx - Yelling at the stranger, "So when they tell you our stories just remember who's telling it.  And always remember.  A story's got to have a beginning.  And an end."

~ The pursuers fall by arrows from the darkness, lost into the tall grass.

Nyx - "And we accept neither !"  A hard kick across his jaw.

A pause at the window of the military surplus, boots in the window.  She breaks the display window glass while passers-by stare.

Flashes of arms and screams reach angrily for the man as he walks, then nothing.

~ The last sights seen by a fallen Greek in the forest opening.

The sounds of the nocturnes, a woman dreams a field, dancing with dragonflies to the nocturnes in the sun. Peace. Noisy machinery to rhythm, cutting through, then a man's voice as the Greek soldier's eyes fade.

Man's voice - "Nocturne."

She crouches low in the tall grass, stalking the sound as the nocturnes grow discordant and into odd tempo rhythms.

Man's voice - "Time to wake up."

A woman walks down the overly ornate renaissance hall, top hat with goggles reflecting the palace gaudiness. Two guards at the end door smile and open it, bowing. Closing the door behind her, they glance to one another with a grin.

Inside across the room, the lady stands staring out the window, appearing particularly pale, but healthy.

Elizabeth - A smiling mouth, "Timepiece ... you're in the wrong place and time again."  The woman's arms slide around her waist.  Goremouse runs up Timepiece's arm, "But don't worry ..."  A quiet giggle, "We have a plan."

She turns fast to her with a laugh.

The dusty tube appearing too old to have been made by us with it's unique technology.  The woman inside, the tube slides open. 

Nocturne wakes screaming into an attack against the restraints, then gets a cigarette in her mouth, eye twitching as it's lit.  She watches him unlock her feet, then hands while she inhales.  He stands to face her and gets a face full of smoke.

Pragmatism - "Thank you."

She smiles briefly, then examines, down to his leg with confusion, then back up.

Nocturne - "How ?"

Pragmatism - "Something worse."

An anger crosses Nocturne' eyes, then a smile.

Pragmatism - "Thought so.  I got you some nice clothes and poisoned those idiot guards.  They'll be fine."  He looks at her confused look staring back, "Because I know you care so much.  Now let's get some coffee and out of this shit hole."

He turns to walk and she turns him back to kiss then leans her forehead on his.

Nocturne - Takes a drag, "How did you find me ?"

Pragmatism - Taking the cigarette, inhaling, "I found you."

They leave in the asylum administrator's convertible, he sees the normal road, while she sees as it was in the Profane Tales, battle strewn through the oblivious populous. Ahead a beast rises to breath in.

Nocturne - "Turn left.  Take the alley around."

Pragmatism - Wheel turning, "What's there ?"

She watches an airship soar over fighting, flanked by angels disembarking to flight.

Nocturne - "... something's different now.  This is new."

Pragmatism - Looks her over, "How long were you in there ?"

She reaches into her bag and pulls out her Game-Brick, then looks at the passing cars, eyes focusing on their dashboards, and then the terrain past.

Nocturne - "I don't know."


Voiced over while Doe walks through a graveyard with a shovel.

"Dear Mister Doe ~

"Timepiece sends her regards, and you may consider me this operation's benefactor.  Try to have fun in the apocalypse.  They do come and go, you know, I do.  Here's what you'll need.


Doe holds the note with a cracked and blurred Polaroid of Elizabeth in a corset and bloomers, being carried by a proud looking Timepiece.  He stands over the pried coffin of 'The Witness' (from 'A Keeper's Tale').

Eyes closed and motionless, holding tight a modern yet aged manila envelope.  He opens and slides out a folder and doc, 'Majestic Eyes Only'.

~ opening credits ~

('Days of Wild' by Prince and the NPG)


 (a four minute cut, ending intact)
They drive through the city, she directs according to what she sees and he doesn't, he turns following directions, seeing a beautiful day.  In her view they drive casually through a war between heaven and hell, Sanctuary's forces reinforcing heaven, taking lead in the air.

On the ground, Bosch beasts stomp to attack, scurry to retreat while she directs their avoidance through the opening credits, film's name yet unlisted (it's at the end).  Driving past the suburbs now, into the dusk and farmland, four legged giants cross the road ahead, battle gathers behind.
7:35 ~ She looks down his leg, then up.  To his eyes as he raises a brow, her cconcerned grimace ... he looks confused gets it as they look each other til the crescendo at 8:10 ~

~ ! production house credit ! ~
(car bumping on the side of the road, profane wars raging behind)
They drive smoking in the early morning, the battles fade with the city far behind, farmland distant ahead, ending the credits.