Wednesday, January 30, 2019

~ Three Days ~

Germain - Voiced over, "Post Scriptum. Whispers of your queries concerning the nameless. All report is that he is dead. My sympathies if they are appropriate, or perhaps my congratulations."

She rises in the morning, walking through the empty club, path clearing on the floor before her. She opens the front door to the bright morning sun.

~ Day Three ~

(Do That Stuff - P Funk Earth Tour)

Across the marketplace a voice echoes ...

Kurukulla - "! Tart Thieeeeeeeeeef !" Her teeth grind behind her iron mask, "Get her."

Her drum drops to the ground as gearworkers put on packs with air tanks and compressors. Kurukulla replaces the drum with a similar harness holding two chain guns at her sides, feeding ammo from her pack.

The gear workers strap on arm and leg cuffs, each appearing as a blunderbuss drawing powder from their packs. Air compresses to test as Kurukulla runs up the stairs and leaps off the edge of the ship. Thirty feet down she lands in a running bounce after a tiny white mouse with a tart in her mouth.

Kurukulla - "! Tart Thieeeeeef !" She starts shooting wildly left and right guns pounding out a rhythm as with her drum, mixed with their gear up spins.

Over her, the gearworkers launch from the ship, using gun blasts like hard drums following her rhythm, compressed air to leap and land cleanly from rooftop to rooftop as Kurukulla clears the main street chasing the dodging mouse.

Everywhere the bullets strike show this isn't the first time.

Shutters about the marketplace close and doors lock while the wanderers flee into alleyways. The gearworkers use their empty powder blasts to turn sharply over alleyways, Kurukulla clearing the ground with the pounding guns and war cries.

Back doors open and arms pull terrified shoppers in to safety, followed by locks. The mouse occasionally tries a door before it slams, then turns away toward Sanctuary's gate.

Kurukulla sees this down the wide open clearing and screams "! NOOOO ! Shoot ! To ! Killlll !"

The gearworkers shoot flying forward then back, again and again as each shot works against them in their pursuit while Kurukulla shoots on running, "No ! Sanctuary ! For ! Tart Thieves !"

The mouse dodges her way to the trench she had clearly dug out in advance beneath the huge gate, allowing precicely enough room for her and a tart.

Kurukulla - Shooting up and down the gate screaming "!!! Sanctuary !!!" Then falling to her knees before the gates, "... my tart ..."

The massive gate slowly begins to open.

Kurukulla - Looking up, "!!! RETREAT !!!"

She turns and runs back down the wide main path to the docks, shooting in the air and screaming, followed by the gearworkers rooftop to rooftop.

From the main gate now opened a few feet, Nemesis walks out with countless soldiers behind the gate, seeing the fleeing Kurukulla.

Nemesis - "What the hell ?"

~ Andra/omeda's following scenes will be composed of flashes, the worst of the streets, each scene brief, her walking then running through as the sun passes the sky. The nature of each will be dependent on what's happening at the time of production and to be chosen in discussion with cast and crew.

These scenes however will be shown to be manipulated by the shadows that stalk her, enraging those around her, distracting potential help, etcetera. The passing of time shown by the Sun chasing the Moon, as before.

Ultimately writing them now makes a dull read, trite and preachy. I think the group as a whole could approach these scenes better than I as an individual, preferably a blend of what they think is important to them and their characters.

Something may inspire a specific scene or tale meanwhile, I'll post on the main page if so. Either way those will set the tone, then the application of the appropriate horror gloss to the rest. ~

Xquic, Lieu Hanh are behind a table set at the beach, where Morgan sits planning. Amelia stands off to the side watching the sea. Kurukulla walks up carrying heavy guns with four gearworkers to their mixed stares.

Kurukulla - "Sign me up !"

Morgan - "Why ?"

Kurukulla - Pulls a gun and shoots in the air dropping a vulture dead on the table.

Lieu Hanh - "What the fuck ! We can't even eat that !"

Xquic - Looking up and stares down a two handed finger gun, "Wow ..."

Kurukulla - "He was a shit talker." She grabs it's feet and throws it hard and far out to the water where it's snapped up by a twisting beast. "Followed me all day."

Morgan - Looks back from the sea beast. "Would that be coming with you too ?"

Kurukulla - "Nah ! Just knew she was hungry."

Morgan - "I see ... so what do you actually do ?"

Kurukulla - Looks up considering.

Wars throughout history, guns screaming while Kurukulla laughs amid explosions, shooting wildly, regardless of time period.

Kurukulla - "I think I make rhythm."

Morgan - "So you're a drummer !"

Kurukulla - Pounds her fists hard on the table, shaking and scattering everything upon it. "! Yes ! Like a Drummer !"

Morgan - "Right. And what are they ?" She glances to the gearworkers.

Kurukulla turns and looks, "... maybe ninjas ?"

~ Andra ~

Morgan - To Kurukulla, "What do they do, then ?"

Kurukulla - She grabs one by the back of the neck and pulls it forward, then stabs it through the back with a broad sword showing the heavy end from the chest while they gesture 'Tadah !' all raising their arms, fighters pause in a headlock.

Kurukulla - Pulls the sword out and slams it on the desk. "That's a god-killer too."

Morgan watches as a bit of sand pours out the hole, then picks it up the blade to examines it, "Yes it is ... " With surprise at it's quality and balance before handing it back. "It's very nice. Venus' work."

Kurukulla - "The best work."

Morgan - "Looks back at the other with a short laugh, "I don't know about that ..." They snicker while she looks back to Kurukulla "But she does do fine work. I still don't recognize your story, though.

Kurukulla walks down a freeway amid cars exploding and flying, laughing and shooting wildly.

Kurukulla - Leans over the table on her fists very seriously, "I personally believe people just like to watch things explode."

Amelia - "Now That's useful. We should hire her."

('Kill Everything' by Skin)

The sun down, Andra sits on the bench huddled with her knees under her coat, scenes of horror flashing through her eyes, the sounds of screaming and sirens ...

A man walks the path and sees her shaking and hears the hooded sobs.

Stranger - Cautiously, "Are you okay ?"

Andra - Without looking up, her hand in her coat with the hilt, "How do you do it ? How do you live in this place ? How do you live here every day ?"

Stranger - Sitting far on the other side of the bench from her, he lights a joint, inhales and passes it to her, "No idea."

Andra - Seeing he's also fighting tears, she takes it with some examination, then smokes. "What's wrong with you ?"

Stranger - A short laugh through a tear, "At this particular moment ... I'm a writer. I love my characters. But sometimes ... I have to tell a story and I know it's going to hurt them. I know it's going to hurt me. And sometimes I feel like I can't ... I just can't do it to them." Tears start to stream.

Andra - Passes the joint back and turns to face him, knees still under her coat. "What happens ?"

Stranger - Composes himself with an exhale, "She's a fairy tale. A beautiful wonderful tale with so much to tell, but to tell it ... she has to suffer and ... it's a long story. She's spending her three days in the woods. It's hard for her."

Andra - After he passes back to her, "Does something happen to her ?"

Stranger - "No ... not really. But she sees things. Things that tear her deeply ... things that tear me."

Andra - Inhales deeply before dropping her hood. She kisses him lightly with his cheeks in her hands, "Tell the tale, writer. She is strong. I have to go now and so do you."

She quickly springs over the back of the bench and into the bushes, through the park and gone.

Stranger - He gets up and looks to the sky, then as though in complaint, "She took my joint."

He walks down the path, lighting a cigarette.

Morgan - "So who are you ?"

Xquic - "Yah ! Are you hideous under that mask ?"

Kurukulla - "No ! It just looks cool and protects my head when I put it through things ! Plus it protects my secret identity ..."

She looks to the side.

Lieu Hanh - "It does look cool ... we should hire her."

Xquic - "She comes with ninjas !"

Lieu Hanh - "And she has a secret identity.

Amelia - "I don't think those are real ninjas."

Two gearworkers are beating each other on the the ground white the other two throw money at them.

Morgan - "We have to know who you are." She leans back in her chair decidedly.

Kurukulla - "Cant say who I am."

Morgan - "Why ?"

Kurukulla - "Cant say why."

Morgan - "What ?!"

Kurukulla grunts then pulls out a world map from her bag, unravels it and points to a location.

Morgan - Leaning forward, she looks. "Oh ..."

They all look over her shoulder - "Oh ..."

Morgan - "You're hired."

Andra hears the yelling and jumps low, knife drawn into the bushes near the sidewalk. Three police men have their guns drawn on a man with his hands up.

First officer - "On your knees. Now !"

Caller - Holding a phone and slowly kneeling, "It wasn't me ... I called you !"

First officer - "You just slide that right over here."

The other two look at the first suspiciously.

The caller slowly puts the phone on the ground and slides it over. The First officer picks it up and looks, checking the last call, to 911. He puts it in his pocket and straightens his arm while the other two look at him.

Second officer - Cautiously but firmly, "What are you doing ?"

The third officer looks more panicked, looking from them to the terrified man.

Caller - Looking at the third, "Please help me. I don't want ..."

Andra jumps from the bush to protect the man just after the shot is taken and he falls into her arms, pulling her down. Her looks up at her sobbing blood as her tears stream over him. She holds her knife over him to threaten the police,

Andra -"Get the Hell away from him !"

The man reaches up to touch her face before convulsing into death. Screaming for them to get away while they scream to drop the weapon the first officer straightens his arm again

His head is gone with a shot, Morgan standing behind him. The other two turn and fall sleeping with darts from the gearworkers.

Morgan - To the workers, "Get their gear, clean out their cars then burn them. Leave these two."

She pulls the gun from the dead one's hand then leans over with a knife, cutting off the trigger finger and wrapping it, looking then up to Andra holding the man.

Andra - As Morgan walks over with caution, she swings at her with her knife, "Get away from him ! Just ... get away from me."

She drops her guard and holds him close.

Morgan - "It's okay, it's okay ..." She kisses the top of her head hugging them, "We're taking you both."

She starts attaching harnesses around them before all three are pulled up together with the burning cars in the background.

~ epilogue ~
(Gingerbread Coffin - Rasputina)

In the low deck hold, his body is laid out on an old cloth. Candles lit all around on boxes and crates, dripping down, Morgan places his killer's trigger finger in the grip of the deceased. She stares into the closed eyes, kneeling over him, and drinks from her bottle, still staring.

Tears stream and she takes another deep drink and puts it down. She holds up an arm and rolls down her sleeve, then the other, before drawing a knife and cutting down her arms lightly. Blood pours without danger of arteries as she drops her arms with a splash over his face.

She throws her arms in the air and begins to sing, to wail, to shriek her tears, blood splashing between deep drinks, before she falls to her knees over him, looking into his closed eyes, uncontrollably sobbing and shaking.

She gets up spinning and wailing with her bottle, digging her hand in grey ash, smearing sigils on the walls. Legba, Erzulie and Baron Samedi.

Kurukulla wakes and pounds a slow drum, while the workers chant mournfully to her wails from the deck above. Amelia tunes the engine listening while Andromeda smokes the writer's joint in her chair, staring out the window. Morgan lights a torch and drinks deep, spraying fire over the body and stumbling.

In a short time after silence, Andromeda comes down and finds her sobbing on the floor in a pool of her blood, symbols smeared everywhere and a smashed bottle with bits of glass strew.

She kneels over Morgan and begins binding her wrists and supports her up to her cabin.

Amelia is laying on the beach where and when she met Morgan, starving and looking up while Morgan stands over her, gun drawn.

The Eldridge floats in the background, still intact.

Morgan - "I can set you free, but I can't take you back home again."

A shot.

In her cabin, Morgan lies in bed with her head in Andromeda's lap, while Andromeda strokes her hair.

Andromeda - Softly, "How old are you Morgan ?"

Morgan looks up at her and shakes her head, kisses her hand and lays her head back down.

Andromeda - "I think you're very old ..." She dries falling tears on Morgan's face with her fingertip, and puts the finger in her own mouth to taste. "I'll never ask you not to do what you do ... but will you tell me when you're going to do it ?" She checks the bandages on Morgan's arms.

Morgan shakes her head 'no' in Andromeda's lap and grabs her hands tightly as a pillow. "You always crawl right into me, Andromeda ... I love it so much it really scares me. Just ... I've only lost a lot of blood. It always comes back ..." She closes her eyes and curls around her. "Don't ever die. Promise me you'll never die." Into sleep, "Promise me."

The End.

(after credits) His eyes open with a gasp, out to the ship in the sea ~

'Glass' (the shanty)

Sweet madness in words
The bird that I heard
She's covered in glass and I've found her at last !

Was broken and torn with no shred left forlorn ...
No teacher she preached to me ever her reached you see, shards ...

! Of Glass !

Will always protect her, regards ...

Of masque

Will never infect her, her mind is sweet madness no teacher can teach her no preacher can reach her prevail nor beseech her while bards ...

! Alas !

Do wrongly project her and fools

Do think

She needs a protector her Name is just Madness her Song bears no Sadness and she is the bird I have finally heard ...

! And now i am Covered in Glass !