Wednesday, January 30, 2019

~ The Sisterhood ~

The expedition team approaches the break in the crater, a midday walk beyond Lilith's crashed boat, they turn to follow the river which leads from it.

Lilith - "She's really just a mean person sometimes !  She's always right, she always wins, and she corrects peoples grammar."

Eleanore - "That's not right.  So what's the deal.   Bible says this, preacher says that, and now they're talking about rewriting it again.  I just got through it !"

Lilith - "You've read the original manuscripts ?"

Eleanore - "Later topic.  What's the deal ?"

Lilith - "Well.  We were hunting and we found Adam, I'm assuming fresh off the canvas ... and so we had sex with him."

Eleanore - "Yeah ?  How was that ?"

Lilith - "Well ... he was very pretty."

Eleanore - "Yeah ... I get you.  And the story about the three wives.  They say no one knows who the second one was."

Lilith - "They say a lot of things.  It was Naamah.  She liked him well enough ... that was before we started disagreeing on everything of course, but Eve fell in love with him."

Eleanore - "Apple ?"

Lilith - "She was hungry !  I was hungry !  We were All.  Hungry !  (mocking booming voice) 'Don't eat from the magic tree' !  Whatever, I wasn't even looking which one."

Eleanore - "Demon ?"

Lilith - "No. Well yes, but no.  It doesn't mean what you think it does."

Young Naamah - In a classroom at their desks (for no reason modern) to young Lilith rolling her eyes "A demon is a spirit not of God but of the Earth."

Young Lilith - "Whatever Shut Up !"

Eleanore - "Oh.  So you're like that tree."  She points at a tree.

Lilith - "Don't."

Eleanore - "So what about that rock.  Are you like that rock ?"

Lilith - Bursting out laughing, "Stop it !"  She slows their progress looking around, "Now apparently, this is where the scouts got superstitious." She giggles, "Feel that ?"

She looks at Eleanore, who's now much less pleased.

Eleanore - "I feel it." She turns to the crew drawing her guns, "All right.  Any of you pansies want to run crying for the beach, you can go ahead and turn your back on me now.  See what happens."

The crew looks nervously, a few twitching to run.

Eleanore - Sheathing the guns, "I'm just kidding.   I just like drawing those like that."  Drawing again over the ducking crew, "It's like ... 'whoosh' when I turn." Turning and sheathing then repeating, "Whoosh when I turn."

The crew looks nervous, but getting annoyed.

Eleanore - "Okay I'm sorry.  You can run away like little bitches now, I'm not going to shoot you."

A few look pissed and turn, she draws and shoots in the air.  They tear off while she and Lilith laugh before turning on and re-tamping the guns.  Lilith takes one to help while followed by the suspicious crew.

Elizabeth looks out the high window over the riots and burning.

Elizabeth - "I'm quite certain this is entirely your fault, Walter, but I really have no idea why ..."

Walter - "Ehh ... the underground tunnels should be cleared and well guarded ... ?"

Elizabeth - Looking at him as though he were mad, "The one which connects through the asylum."

As the expedition breaks through near a clearing at the crater's base, they see a woman peering through. Eleanore puts up a hand, "Hold."

A black unicorn jumps at them, massive, as a draft horse with a shire's mane and burning eyes. "Who Are You !?"

A panicked crewman draws his gun and the unicorn rams him through to a tree cracking it. He tears free of it, falling the tree and flinging the dead from his horn at the crew as he turns, "Who !?"

Lilith - Smiling, "It's me, Surly.  Lilith."

Surly - "That's what She calls me ... " He growls and walks for the clearing, "You are welcome here."

The woman is looked for but unseen as they enter the broad clearing in the crater's pit, grassy with forest surrounding, a herd of white unicorn running for the far wood.

Eleanore - Whispering to Lilith, "Now that's a sexy unicorn.  Did you see that ? He just turn-whooshed that dead guy right at us."  They restrain giggles.

The black unicorn runs for the herd, looking back suspiciously at the wanders as they approach the hut in the center.

Lilith - Seeing a man sitting by a fire near the hut, smiles and runs forward, "Razil !"

Razil - Standing up with a bottle, "Lilith !   Come to drink the wine !"  He laughs, "Come to eat the meat.  Welcome home."

Elizabeth and Raleigh walk through asylum screams and reaching arms.

Elizabeth - "Wonderful.  Thank you Walter."

The bitten guard stands at the end of the hall groaning ...

Elizabeth - "Walter ... ?"

She turns and Raleigh's gone.

Drinking at the fire ~

Lilith - To Razil, "Why are you even here ?"

Razil - "I guess you never were in the loop."  He spits wine into the fire as it folds to story, "And now neither am I."

(narration to the airborne field of battle, where at the center Razil stands, having no wings)

Razil - "It was the rebellion.  The upstarts came for me first, darting like swallows in waves as I cut them down in swaths."  A short laugh and a drink.

His burning swords reach fire across the sky burning piles to the ground, shouts echoing through and throwing them.

Razil - "While Heaven's own 'warriors' stood in time staring.  Feeling for the first useless in their existence, while I performed their task to the last."

He stomps Lucifer's back hard, pinning him through with one sword, gathering his wings and chopping them with the other.

Razil - "They stared."

Razil throws the wings down and roars his victory to the sky in a wave of fire engulfing all back to the campfire.

Razil - "And then they decided I was no good for white carpets anymore."  A drink, "And so this ..." he spits, "is not me 'fallen from Heaven', 'per se'.  This is me ... 'set over' ... Eden".

Eleanore - "That.  Fucking.  Sucks."

Razil - "Pretty much." He drinks and passes her the bottle, "But they're right.  I fucking hate white carpets."

Lilith - "I know !  The dead have it better.  Whenever I'd come visit it was all tip-toes and curtsies.  And then being stalked by angels who had never seen a woman before ... that's fun too."

Razil - "... you know I have no idea if you're being sarcastic right now."

Eleanore - "Ha !  I do !"

Lilith - Laughing with her, "I am so sorry Surly killed your crewman ..."

Eleanore - " 'Surly' ... is that really his ... wait that guy wasn't one of yours ?"

Lilith - "No.  He wasn't."

Mambathu - Sighting Naamah's ship from the beach, "Shit."

Eleanore shoves the bottle back to Razil as she and Lilith rise and draw over the crew.

Eleanore - "! Everyone UP !"

Razil laughs sadistically watching and drinks. "Yeah ..."

Lilith - "Mine on the Left !"

Eleanore - "And mine on the right."

One crewman left standing in the middle, shot four times.

The crews check each other while the captains search the body.

Razil - Watching them search, "Yeah ... see what he's got !"

Lilith - "It's her."

Eleanore - "Why ?  Nothing on him but a loaded gun."

Razil - "Bastard !"

Lilith - "That's why."

Razil - "Ha !  That's pretty funny because Eve just left last month on a boat that looked like a tree !"  Laughs and passes the bottle to Lilith.

Mambathu - Staring through the scope at the craft just sitting there off the sea, then lowering annoyed, "What is she doing."

Naamah and One sit at the globe, One adjusting lenses while Naamah reads the beginning of a heavy volume after separating the folded pages with her knife, feet up on the surrounding table.

One - Focusing to a constellation past the surface of the globe, "And what exactly are we doing now ... ?"

Naamah - Still reading, "We heard the shots, our people are dead.  So now we're making my sister and theirs wait."  Looking up from the book, "It's hilarious."

Back down to the book.

Naamah - "We sit here, while they get bothered about what we're doing.  Which is nothing.  It's hilarious every single second all day long."

She cuts the next page and reads.

One - Twitching not to look and lose focus on the constellation near the center, "And ... how long ... are we doing this ?"

Naamah - She holds her place in the book and flips folded pages through to the end to estimate, "Mmm ... I'd say two or three days."   She glances up, "It's a compendium."  She reaches and spins the globe, messing with his eyes and making him pull back.  "We've got the time."

She cuts a page.

As they hurriedly leave the fire for the beach ~

Razil - "Lilith, hold on.  There's something you need to know and I'd like you to pass it on to your sisters."

Lilith - Turning back to him with a look, "You're kidding."

Razil - "No.  You need to know this.  You all need to know this.   I haven't been allowed in Heaven for a while now and that's new."  Motioning around them, "Even after all this.  There's reason to believe the one on the throne isn't God.  Other reasons.  It might be the other one."

Lilith - Staring with concern, "Yaltabaoth ?"

Razil - "Could be."

Lilith - Turning away with understanding, "Okay.  I'll let them know."

Razil - "Good luck."

Eleanore - To Razil as she passes, "So what made the crater ?"

~ Razil stands roaring up, "This is Bullshit !" and punches the ground hard to cascading explosion.

Razil - Smiling with self satisfaction, "I wouldn't know anything about that."

Eleanore smiles and walks.

One - Refocusing his lenses, "You really are quite evil sometimes you know."

Naamah - Smiling while cutting and turning a page reading on, "hmm ..."

Lilith - Staring through the scope at the inactive ship, "She's totally fucking with us."  Closing the scope, "I hate her so much."

Naamah - Bursts out laughing, "This book is terrible !" (Gargantua and Pantagruel)


~ two to three days later ~

Lilith - Lowers her scope, "This is stupid."

Miranda - From behind, "I'll go."

Lilith - Turning ... "Not a bad idea ..."

Eleanore - "No !  She'll eat her !"

Miranda - "No !  She won't !  I read about her.  She will want to see the book, but she willn't touch it or me."

Lilith - "True."

Eleanore - "Fine.  But we need to get that boat hauled first."

Behind then rope is laid to haul the repaired Arena to the water.

Lilith - "She's less likely to hit the beach while we haul if she's distracted ..."

Eleanore - Staring, "Lilith, your family dynamic is seriously fucked up.  And you're right."

Lilith - "Plan ?"

All - "Plan."

Naamah's nearly finished with her book, feet up in the map room.

"! Mermaid !" (shrieks from the deck)

Naamah - "Dear God what now.  I have ten pages."

One - Focused, "Sounds like a mermaid, I think."

Naamah stares, ignored then stands and slams the book with the blade as a marker, then spins the globe before leaving the room.  One smiles and raises his hand, catching the globe at the right spot without breaking focus with a short laugh, then turns the table, moving the book just a few inches.

Mambathu - Sighting Miranda on deck and the distracted crew pointing at her, "Now, we pull !"  All grab ropes quietly straining the boat to water.

On deck Naamah walks circling Miranda, hugging the book.

Crewman - "Captain ... she's a ..."

Naamah - Examining Miranda, "She's a keeper ..."  Then turning, "And she's a guest !  Now Get the Hell to your Posts !"  She turns to Miranda, "And you ... please.  Will you join me in my cabin ?"

Miranda - "Of course.  And I should tell you I have a message from your sister.  Lilith."

Naamah - Smiles, "Of course you do, but don't worry.  It's nothing between us. Please."   She walks, leading her to the cabin.

The watch spots the Arena in the water, "Captain !  She's made water !  The mermaid's a distraction ..."

Naamah - "I know that !"  She smiles again to Miranda.  Kindly, "I know that.  It's okay.  It's naught to do with you and I"

They enter.

Razil - "Thank you for waiting.  For them to leave."

Yaltabaoth - "It's naught to do with them.  Just me and you now."

Razil - Laughing, "You can't kill me.  It's a dance !"

Yaltabaoth - "But everything you are comes from my throne.  Mine.  Now and forever more.  I may not take your life.  But I will take everything else."

Razil - Drinks and throws down the bottle, "Bring it on, pansy cakes."

In Naamah's cabin the book jumps open from Miranda's arms as a page burns out to smoke.   Naamah sits staring in her chair, then her head to hand with a tear.

Naamah - ... "His name was Razil.  And we ... we need to go now."

~ The Reformation ~

Yaltabaoth - Standing on the beach as it begins fading away from sight, smiling, "Leviathan".  The beach is gone as the beast rises after the fleeing ships.

Decks call between and captains to deck.

Miranda walks to Naamah's side staring.

Naamah - Draws her gun on Miranda, "Off my boat and take that book.  We've got work now."

Miranda backs away wide eyed, then dives as Naamah calls the ship about.  She swims landing next to Eleanore, holding Virginia staring as Naamah turns the ship toward.

Eve - Staring sadly, "Leviathan ..."


With no effect she turns to her cabin.

('The Pusher' by Steppenwolf)

Naamah - Crew filling the deck to see, "All hands !  700 strong and all to deck ! See this !  See Life !"

The deck fills (these larger ships required at least that many crew), staring at the distant beast.

Naamah - "How many dreamed of this !  And now ... Let's do this.  One !  Prep tanks !  We need five minutes under.  Everyone command to station and everyone else takes a chain.  The rest connect cannon to cord and Get Thee to the Nautilus !  We claw through !"

One - Muttering to the controls as tanks draw air from surface valves. " 'One !  We need air to breath One !  And we need air to float and to live and to propel ... 'five minutes under' ... what does that even mean ... 'five minutes under' ... bastards never saw a monster before ... oh look ! it's really really big."

The crew moves to task, stabilizing the cannons, and attaching firing cords though to the steel inner hull. Hundred of crew line the inner compartment in preparation for work, stretching muscles and dropping coats.

Naamah smiles as she takes the wheel before the heavy windows, view blinded by the external hull.  They hear the splash and draw of water as Leviathan's groaning mouth opens to engulf them in a forward leap.

Naamah - "Fore harpoons.  Go."

Massive harpoons shatter the front of the ship, burying deep in Leviathan's throat.

Naamah - "! Pull !"

The order is called through decks to the hundreds beneath.  They grab the chain when it locks.  All heave as the ship pulls into the mouth, breaking the masts.

Naamah - When the ship is in the mouth, "Full cannon !"

Cannons fire from all decks as the beast begins to grind the external deck.  The harpoon is reset, pulled from the flesh by a final crank.

Naamah - All cannons fired, "Harpoons !"

As the external decks grind away completely, inner cannons prep along windows showing gun crew's varied reaction. The ship lurches as the chains are hauled again, having made past skin.

Naamah - The crank set, "Everything."

The Nautilus bursts through the side of the flailing beast, both returning to water as the Nautilus extends oars (similar to the design on the Arena ship).

Eleanore - Watching through the scope as the Nautilus splashes underwater, "That's three ... " (times she's seen a ship fly).

! The End !

~ after credit ~

As the ships make way cautiously distanced, a spotter aboard The Arena trails the random leaves floating, then looks up surprised.

A knock on Naamah's cabin.

Crewman - "Captain.  The tree-ship ..."

Naamah - "The Eden."

Crewman - " ... yes.  Well it seems to be waiting for us now."