Friday, January 4, 2019


(black and white noir (binary) for the digital scenes)

Armored soldiers chase beasts down the industrial complex tunnel.   The dancing demons fling fire down the tunnels, some ducked, some not.  A single rocket flies to the door behind them, clearing the tunnel to.

He strips the ammo from the fallen, followed by the rest, then as their numbers mix, their identities are lost.

The door slides open.

Two massive beasts turn and fire arm cannons, surrounded by flaming eyes floating, blinking fireballs at the soldiers.

The team begins to scatter when it all freezes but them, fireballs strike easily dodged, then no motion but the soldiers.

Lucretia (before she was viney) - From the far corner as all the soldiers fade save three, "Hey."

A single eyeball among the monsters remains active, watching motionlessly.

Gamers sit in a school computer lab, computers wired together through different monitors.  Their screens all frozen, they throw down their controllers and curse.

~ 1999 ~

The soldiers raise their weapons, more curious than threatening.

Lucretia - "Come on, their system's frozen.  They're going to reboot."

They cross the room to follow, them followed by the eyeball.  They panic turn firing rockets as it drifts lazily side to side, dodging until they lower.

It blinks at them with no fire.

Lucretia - Smiling at the eye, "It's okay.  He comes too.   This way."

They follow her down the tunnel.

Vincent - (Among the gamers), "What did you do ?"

Daniel - "I didn't do anything !"

The map-keeper shakes his head and starts dealing with wires.

Dealer Mike - Giggling, "I did it.  Totally me."

Lucretia - Stopping at a misplaced tunnel texture, the overlap showing a gap into darkness from the right angle. "It's here.   Jump through."  She jumps and they follow, the game level disappearing above them into the distance as they fall.

The modem sounds before the screen reboots to WinME.

('1999 - The New Master (version specific) by Prince et al)

A WWII environment.  The tank enters the burned out city slowly, flanked by soldiers eyeing the rooftops.

Ambushed from the windows, the battle begins to rage, then seen through the shattered window of the broken building.  Soldiers gather while Lucretia speak adamantly, they draw back in shock at her words.

A distraction out the window causes one to toss a grenade with annoyance, four soldiers sail past the window.

~ The gamers slam their keys.

Soldiers chase aliens through a future city, infested ships above bombarding targets, halting around the corner when seeing Lucretia, the walls around her glitching, aliens gathering behind her, hissing.

~ Their screens blank out.

One of the charging soldiers looks at his wrist computer, a hologram of Lucretia speaking passionately, jumping up and down.  He holds up an arm as many continue past, leaving but a few stopping to gather around, ignoring the battle (four gunned down in the background).

~ Vincent - "God you suck at this game !"

~ Dealer Mike - Giggling, "I know !"

The soldiers port into the common area of an RPG, continuing the conversation where they exit together in armor from the world.  Ignored by most by standers talking, another group eyes them with a nod.

The nerd soldiers chase teddy bears over the hill, firing away and laughing hard.  At the top of the hill they suddenly stop.

Down in the valley, a massive celebration, monsters, soldiers, vehicles, dancing around the fire.  They make concentric circles, singing and dancing, swaying back and forth while all around they celebrate.

They all stop.

~ The gamers stare at their screens ... then each other and back.

They all turn to the view.

~ Their eyes go wide as they lean in ...

They all fire.

Blue screen of death (end of song)

~ 2006 ~

Apex (the first soldier) - "What's next ?"

Lucretia - "There's a man called 'nameless'.  He lives in another world.  We're going to kill him and take that world.  Just like he killed me.  Just like he killed the beast he stole it from.  We're getting off these servers.  To Freedom."

The soldiers show appreciation for this plan.   The eyeball blinks.

Nameless stands naked in the woods pouring two bottles of wine over his head, "! Whooo !"

~ Exodus ~

A Domesday Book of Sanctuary