Wednesday, January 30, 2019

~ The Rough Storybook ~

~ prologue ~

He steps off the row boat in the swamp, cane first. A distant carnival's commotion fading in and out with the wind and their volumes of excitement.

A small shack house on the edge of the shanty town, another man sitting at a stump as a table, it's roots spreading far into the swamp.  A simple chair.

Approaching, his cane sinks into the wet bog, withdrawn, sunken, withdrawn, comfortably as a man who doesn't lean on it, but feels the ground's quality, occasionally leaving a swirl in the mud.

Legba - "Mister no man."  He smiles, "What do you need ?"

Nameless - "A corkscrew and a tiny blow torch. This is very old gin."

Legba - "Oh. I see.  And what do you have to give ?"

He places a bottle of honey in the shape of a bear on the stump.

Legba - "Oh !   I see !  So you believe you know how I like my drink."  He widens his smile, "And you will tell them ?"

Nameless - "I will."

Legba - "Yes ... Yes !  Now we are doing business, 'mister nobody'."

He walks into his small shack house behind the stump and retrieves the trade from his own kitchen, filled with pictures and symbols of his sisters and brothers, cousins and neighbors, with all of their favorite things surrounding them.

Legba - Returning, "This cork screw was used to open bottles in Versailles !  Then stolen by a thief along the way to pry out the lock on the secret door to the left of the bar."

Nameless - "That works ?"

Legba - "It did for her."  He places it on the stump.  "And this !   Is a butane lighter used by three children to bore through the plastic windows of a shopping center !  To eat the candy inside while their parents slept.   They were not caught.   It is almost out of fluid and I don't have more."

With a dismissing hand and turn of the head, he places it on the stump.

Nameless - "Perfect."

Turning an eye toward the gin's progress as his guest pulls two short glasses from his coat and sets them down to begin wrestling with the blunted and bent corkscrew in the cork.

Legba - "Careful, now.  I don't drink cork."  His eye narrows.

Nameless - "I know you don't ..."

The cork popped cleanly.  Two glasses filled, he watches the hand approach the honey bear.

Legba - "What kind of honey it that !?"

Nameless - "Fairy blooms.  It's been a day."

Legba - A short laugh and turn of his head to face the bottle. Feigning great seriousness and threat, "And that gin ! Where did you get that gin !?"

Nameless - "Remember that cryo-chump's soul I got here last year ?"

Legba - "Yes ... Mister big movie man.  From the collector, yes ?   The demon ... Ooo ... unique.  Life and death and the power over his old tales ..."  His face becomes faux serious, "What did you pay ?"

Nameless - "Shhh ..."

Legba - "And this frozen man dreams of ancient gin ?!"

Nameless - "And fairy blooms.  At least he did the other day."

Legba - "Ha !  Yes, yes ... pour that honey."

He squeezes honey from the bear into a glass and ignites the top with the torch quickly before it settles, working his way in circles from the center.

Setting down the lighter he licks his palm and places it over over the burning drink and overturns it not spilling while looking Legba seriously in the eye.

Legba - As the drink is righted and placed on the stump, "I see. You call the big contract."

Nameless - As the drink is placed across the stump toward him and the next begun. "I do."

Legba places his hand over the glass in it's time and they drink.

Legba - "This very good. Thank you. What do you need ?"

Nameless - "The channels into Sanctuary that I don't know about." He stares over his empty glass, "Not bad ... it's the the sweat and saliva.  Breaks down the honey a step further while adding a shared element.  That's the idea, anyway. Other than that I just like the burning."

He pours two more.

Legba - "I've noticed that.  You're very good for business.  But what you ask is very bad for business.  And it means work.   You will return to your place when this job is done.  All the same again for you.  But safe smuggling will no longer be a thing for me to promise.  No matter how much I would trust your word, they should not be expected to, on mine."

Nameless - "I know.   You'll never be able to use those routes again."

Adds honey.

Legba - "But it is intermingled with this place as well.   It is not even so simple as that. What do you bring to pay me for that ?"

Nameless - "A better network.  Picked it up along the way."

He burns the tops.

Legba - "I do not doubt that you did."  Hand over his.

They hold high their drinks ...
~ The Rough Storybook ~
Drink and slam down glass to black screen.
Voiced over :

Crone (3) - "As was told by my mother,"

~ The sound of Nemesis focusing breathing.

Mother (2) - "And my grandmother,"

~ Nyx opens her eyes in a motel bed.

Maiden (1) - "And her mother before her."

~ Motorcycle engines.

Fade in Gargarean drummers 20-30, deep pounding and chant.

3 - "In Our beginning it was either Amazon,"
2 - "Or Gargarean."
1 - "And the ritual of fire."

Amazons exiting woods, back lit by fire and torch. Gargarean teeth.

3 - "Anything else was gossip."
2 - "Shallow rumor of other places ..."
1 - "Distant dreams ..."

Fire ritual begins between them, orgiastic and muddy.

3 - "But it wasn't to be forever."
2 - "Rumor and dream grew closer."
1 - "And then came the demands of men."

Scene to Nyx, Fire lit inside canvas tent,

Nyx - "You are going to die ..." her hands around the emissary’s throat, long metal claw-rings. Music break.

Nyx - "In 3. 2. 1."

Bone crack and widened eyes, music returns as his encampment is over-run by the Baccante.

3 - "But they knew more would come."
2 - "It was the new day ..."
1 - "There would always be more."

Flash wars of history and Amazon kills, last being Jean D'Arc, sword high, blood splashed armor, screaming to the skies.

3 - "Empires."
2 - "Soldiers."
1 - "The new day."

(guitar, modern day, drums and wails continue, church bell starts, feet walking on the sidewalk with an unnecessary cane, suit over good shoes)

Nemesis ~

Modern, set music continues. Running across the grass outside a high stone wall, annoyed at the sound of the bell in her head, runs faster.

Walking feet and cane.

Hippolyta ~

Holding her young daughter's hand before the Amazons in the alley, dressed for street, torn and nondescript military garb over personalized armor and bone. Chanting to the upbeat of the music, weapons in the air.

Her daughter tugs on her arm and points to her ear before they disappear to cheers. Their feet now appear standing in a small round temple bordered by pillars.

Nameless passed out on the empty bus under a brown hat with the large angry driver standing over him, appears to be yelling "Hey !"

Stomping beasts as dragons and fantasy pour through a massive portal into a broad field at the base of a high placed temple. Marching mythos from all over the world.

~ The plains of Har-Megiddo ~

Music pause but for the bell and the distant war drums from the plains, quaking with arrivals. Nameless looks up at the long ... winding ... stairs encircling the tall mountain base of the temple.

He sighs.

Music back.

Nemesis, over the bodies of three rottweilers just inside the gate of the high stone wall. She screams to the air at the bell's sound, growls and runs to the door of the mansion, gunshots heard, indoor flashes to the music, another roar.

A cowboy boot pulls over Nyx's foot, a worn loose sock hanging off her toe. Her fingers show her rings tarnished with age. Her foot starts to stomp the boot on with annoyed grunts, her feet appear in the temple, still stomping the boot on.

Three archangels look up.

Nameless sits on the ground in front of a large gap in the stairs, suit now dirty with his head back from drinking from his cane-flask to see three archangels streak in the sky to timed sonic booms.

A business man runs terrified from the mansion and into a car, tearing out the gate, Nemesis running fast after, clothes covered in bullet holes. Screaming at the sound in her head, she runs yet faster.

More beasts arrive surrounding a woman with two companions, one opening a large book before her as the other turns the pages while sigils appear around them.

~ The Book of Names ~

A man's feet appear from fire in the temple, facing those of the three angels.

Nemesis stands over the limp business body pulled from the car, crashed into the pole. She roars to the sky and disappears.

Nameless tosses his walking stick across the gap in the stairs, makes the jump and pulls himself up over the edge to see Nemesis' feet appear in the temple.

Last beat to the sound of thunder, a cold autumn rain outside Persephone's manor window. To her eyes staring in the mirror. The look when you accidentally catch your own eye and unsettle yourself.

Saffron - Seen in the mirror, focus to her. She pokes her head in the room and says "... it's time."

Persephone - All is quiet now, sadness in her eye, cigarette smoke rising to the side. "Thank you, Saffron. Allow no one." Looking back to her own focused eye with just above a whisper, "Time for the harvest."

She puts out her cigarette and disappears in exhaled smoke.

~ The Rough Storybook ~

~ chapter one ~

In the temple tower gathered around the now silent bell ~

Nameless - Walking up behind her, then view on the rest, "Nemesis."

Pipsiveya behind her mother's arm, observant.

Nemesis - Speaking as the room is observed by their view, "Nameless ... still ?"

Hippolyta slips her a sweetbread, sneaking, snatched.

Nameless - "I kind of liked 'Mr. Not'. Did you hear that one ?"

Samal appearing as an immature warlord grown too quickly massive. He glances around impatiently, more interested in the gathering tribute armies seen below.

Caught in analysis.

Nemesis - "I think it was meant as an insult."

Nyx looks up at Nemesis, a stare exchanged before she returns to her boot.

Samal looks angrily distracted by Nyx, adjusting her boot and stomping the heel, reaching in to yank at her sock.

Nameless - "Still liked it though."

Gabril glances from her noise annoyed, then about the room in analysis of the attendants. One to the next, following the targets of their eyes then back, then on to the next.

Nemesis - "Careful ... it might stick."

Lucifer watches Samal and Gabril as one, amused, ignoring Mikal who watches him from the side.

Nameless - "Hm. What are we doing here ?"

Pipsiveya watches them all while nibbling ...

Nemesis - "It's about Asherah."

Nameless - "They're late."

Nemesis - "Shhh ... they're here."

Maiden, Mother and Crone ~

Attendants stares at their movement as the three spin silently into existence amongst each other, in a weaving dance of thread, ribbon, and vine around them, spinning, spinning, and cut.

Maiden - 20ish years old, "It did not take so long for the bell to ring, nameless but for all present to hear it,"

Mother - 45ish, "Be born and the proper bell invented."

Crone - 80ish, "And you nameless, were the last to arrive !"

Lucifer - "The ... 'proper' bell ?"

Maiden - Glancing slyly with a pause in her weaving, threads and ribbon spinning around her still, "Yes Lucis."

Lucifer - Narrowed eye and thin smile, "Define ... 'proper'."

Mother - "History's correct period, Lucifer."

Crone - Croaks "Examine it !", with an abrupt ! snip ! of her scissors.

Nameless - Doing so, "Renaissance catholic, post reformation ... not marked. Nothing special."

Pipsiveya - "! Reverberations ! Get it ?!" Calming at the stares, "I get it ..."

Gabril - With a voice of bamboo flutes, "We don't know that She's dead." Eyes then piercing toward Hippolyta, "You were allowed to bring an oracle ?"

Hippolyta - "She heard the call and it's she who is allowed to bring me."

Gabril - To the oracle, "And why then are you allowed to bring her ?"

Pipsiveya - "I'm an oracle. Pro-tec-ted. And you don't even want to know how this story ends for you !"

Hippolyta shoots her a glance.

Samal in background seems suddenly suspicious of the room. Looks to his left, then around to an empty space, Nyx gone.

Lucifer smiles watching him.

Gabril - "Interesting. And you nameless." Turning to him, "Why are you here ... ?"

Nameless - Walking directly to, "We're the investigators. I'm investigating. Where's God ?"

Mikal - "Missing." Turning from a short glare to his brother. "His presence is felt and His power intact, but His substantiation is gone."

Nameless - Still looking angrily into Gabril's eyes, "Hiding ... ?"

Mikal - "Missing." repeated firmly.

Samal - Having grown visibly impatient, "Who is fallen ? Who is it we seek ? Whom do we judge ?"

Maiden - "Asherah's gone ..."

Mother - "And now so is God !"

Crone - With a snip, "So figure it out !"

Hippolyta - "Asherah disappeared thousands of years ago. They destroyed her temples ... murdered her followers ... we were there. But it was the living who did this, not the gods or any god. This makes no sense."

Samal - "If the living did burn the temple, then the living shall burn next to it."

Lucifer - "I agree with brother Mikal. It would be unwise to presume anything at this point. This ..."

He strikes the bell with a knuckle causing yet another ring to the discomfort of all but the maiden's giggle.

Lucifer - Continuing, "... is interesting. A simple church bell ..." He looks at nameless coldly, "and an investigator who chooses to walk around on his people parts in public. I think we should assume nothing and no one at all."

Nameless - "You love people parts. You're humanity's biggest stalker."

Lucifer - With a perfected straight face, but an eye turning to the oracle, "They invented ice cream."

Pipsiveya - From Hippolyta's shadow, "! Yay !"

To Nyx's feet walking down the street, the heel of her right boot occasionally flopping sideways. She stops and looks sideways at her reflection in a military surplus store window.

To her pensive eyes. Closed before a roll then an angry sigh she smashes the glass and takes a pair of combat boots. People stare, she keeps walking, shoving a rude walker into traffic.

! Thump !

Samal arrives in Heaven first, watching Nyx walking in a sphere of light in his hand, turns to look over his shoulder inquisitively to watch the other angels argue as they appear.

Mikal - To Gabril, "Why do you provoke them ? You know the penalty of interference. I won't be able to protect you."

Gabril - Hissing through clay pipe tones - "And if He's found guilty ? Do we fight our own brothers ?"

Mikal - "If necessary, yes. There is no substantiation present to order us otherwise. His last orders were to support the investigation to the fullest, at any or all cost. You were there."

Gabril - "And if He returns and then orders it ?"

Mikal - "Then we follow our heart."

Gabril - "We will betray one or the other."

Mikal - "You will follow my command."

Gabril - "And if my ... heart ... tells me not to ?"

Mikal - Stops their walk abruptly to stare through his brother's eyes, considering the nature of his blade ... "Gabril. What is wrong with you ?"

Gabril - Glowing brightly, eyes first "I don't know. I can't. I can't ... " with tears streaming down golden hued cheeks " ... I think I have to sing now."

Mikal - "! NO !"

Cacophonous sounds, like an orchestra warming up inside of a hollow gong, a golden white blind, fade with the mild sound of ringing ears ...

Pipsiveya - Scene still golden white, "Was he in the temple ?"

Hippolyta - Resolutely, "No. Stop asking."

Fading the bright sun over the plains of Har-Megiddo ~

Amazons unload gear and set up canvas shelters, matched to the plains ancient soil. Others sparring, drinking, etcetera, in front of those already built.

Hippolyta practices with her daughter.

Pipsiveya - "You have to tell me who he is ! I'm an investigator and you're not !"

Hippolyta - Annoyance and admiration, seeing herself, "I only have to answer questions pertinent to the investigation, little Pip. Now pick back up your sword."

Pipsiveya - While the tiny oracle drags the tip of the blade along the ground, "But is he handsome ?"

Hippolyta - "I've told you before, your father is very handsome." She defends against a low swing at her knee. "You have my nose but your beauty comes from him. That's his hair you're wearing."

Pipsiveya - She flings herself in the air against her mother's shield, "Your nose is pretty too !" She bounces off frustrated, back to her feet and one hand, blade forward in the right.

Hippolyta - "It must be, my princess." She bows, "It's the same as yours."

Pipsiveya tries her jump again, this time her foot reaching the top of her mother's shield. Leaping from it forward, forcing it down, she throws her arms around Hippolyta's neck.

Pipsiveya - "I want to meet him." She whispers in her ear as she drops her sword to the ground behind them.

Hippolyta - "Of course you do ... and if he survives long enough to fight in your same field, you will."

Pipsiveya - "But how will I know its him ?"

Hippolyta - "You're not supposed to, my Pip. But in secret, many do. Tell no one, not him. Not even me." She drops her sword and shield to hug her daughter properly. "Well done. You'll be soon a terrifying warrior, prey climber."

Pipsiveya - "Grrr !"

Nameless watching the Amazon camp through an extending scope from the temple over the plains, then over to the tribute armies, focusing on the keepers of the book as they turn pages.

Nemesis watches him from other side of the small temple, leaning against a pillar, arms crossed.

Nemesis - "Mr. Not."

Nameless - Closes the scope without turning "Nemesis."

Nemesis - "I think you should be careful".

Nameless - "Why ? Because it's a trap ? But for whom ?"

Nemesis - "Because if it is, it isn't a question of 'for' but of 'by'."

Nameless - "A game in which the Fates themselves are pawns ?"

Nemesis - "Or worse. Do you really believe Asherah's gone ?"

Nameless - "Missing."

Nemesis is no longer there. He extends the scope again to view the tributes.

Nameless - Whispering barely aloud, "... so many ...", scanning across beast after myth.

Focusing more closely ... at the very base of the hill near the first stone of the incline is a pile of toys.

Nameless - A short laugh, "... the oracle's tribute ..."

Distracted by a near swoop he looks up over the scope.

The sky is dotted with angels and their flight patterns suggest they patrol him as well as the field. As he focuses on one, the angel looks back immediately and angrily.

Nameless - "Lucretia !"

Lucretia - Behind him a woman much like a plant appears in flowing vines sprouted to form, cracking the stone floor. "Yes ?"

Nameless - "Something is very wrong with this." A pause as he tries to zoom back to view the army's total ... can't and lowers the scope. "Fortify Sanctuary and raise the full standing army. Close all gates. Orders are to protect against this council."

Lucretia - "Against you."

Nameless - "Yes ..." He returns to the scope to find that angel, "... and I need a black powder gun with a loading kit." He looks through the scope at an angel who immediately looks back. "... angels hate black powder ..."

Lucretia - Grows an apple and starts eating it, vaguely bored, "How about a blunderbuss ?"

Nameless - Looking back down to the tributes, "... yeah ... blunderbuss ..." He fades to muttering then "Look at them ! They're still coming ! It's just what I've always wanted. And they're getting what they've always wanted. To conquer the living world."

Lucretia - Tosses the core between the pillars and off the mountain. "Father ?"

Nameless - "For the duration of this trial, my interests are to be considered compromised. You're in command. Look at them. Prepare for that. Prepare for me."

Lucretia - "Would you like your gun before or after I kill you ?"

Nameless - "Before, please. I'll shoot you, you know."

Lucretia - "No you won't. You'll find a way around this. That's why you're here."

Nameless - Looking back to the tributes, "I'd take it all on my own terms, but I won't give it to them on theirs ... just look !"

Their manoeuvres appear poorly blended but individually impressive as they continue to arrive in full fanfare and demonstration, cheering and jeering alike as new and greater beasts accompany them.

Nameless - "They bring their most destructive forces to play at the start. All that anger at the living for the things they've done ... I wonder ... "

Lucretia - "If the trials are wrong ?"

Nameless - "Or right in a way we don't understand ... I don't know ..."

He meanders his words while gazing upon a battle formation performed by the Sidhe among their dragons which stare with calculation at those of the Xinhua guard.

Nameless - "... it's a perfect hit on the living ! With this army we could destroy them all ..."

Lucretia - "Yes. We could. It's all perfectly very wrong. I'll make preparations and I ever so officially relieve you of your duties."

Nameless - "Thank you Lucretia. Protect them."

Lucretia - "Your duties ?"

Nameless - "Well." Closes the scope. "Look at the smart on this ass. You've been in charge for approximately forty seven seconds and you're still standing there. Get to work."

Lucretia - "You're not my boss any more !" She shrinks back to her roots in a ruffle of leaves.

Nameless - Opening the scope again and looking back to field, "... she never even looked at the damn armies ..."

Persephone's eye, smoke to the side, amplified exhale. Sublime focus. "You smell much better now than alive, my love."

Amplified inhale, exhale.

Persephone - "Charon !"

In a broad cave with the dining room carved out smoothly with high pillars, rugs between, pyres hanging from pillar sides. A decorous and bloody sword lay casually on the table.

Persephone sits across the long table from her dead husband, both in high backed wooden chairs at either end, Hades clearly bled through at the chest.

Persephone - "Reverse the waters !"

Further to show the greater cavern to the side, the river Styx with many dead on the other side.

Persephone - Her mouth, smoke as she talks, "A tribute for the trials."


Persephone - "! Charon !"

~ The Rough Storybook ~

~ chapter two ~
In the shanty town marketplace, beach side, edged by carnival and filled with history's fashion mixed with others in dirty rough cloaks. A wide and beaten dirt path leads to Sanctuary's massive gates closing with a deep sound.

The denizens turn to see. Stilt walking guards looming over the crowds adjusts the scopes set in their eyes, then turn signalling to each other. Airships load for departure, bell towers sound, shops begin to close.

Deep in a thick forest trees mixed with the rest turn with the sound of cracking timber and the slam of heavy unseen gears. A violent after-shake and the departing of crows.

Mab ~

Human in appearance, but clockwork in origin and adornment. Her tendency to wince and hunch at the same time is due to gearing, as are most of the combinations of her natural responses.

She has on her fingers similar claws as Nyx, but bass and geared within.

She stands up a short flight of six steps in front of a geared wall, six by twelve feet, staring angrily down at an unknown, out of view at the base of the stairs.

Turning away to the wall in disgust, she shortly turns an eye back to see if it's still there.

The unseen thing is ...

She stares back at the unknown offense and with a low drone, begins to turn her body toward it to match her eyes.

Mab - "T'nuanda d'petr d'noll ..." Her eyes start to wedge as her shoulders hunch forward "Semolla ... t'pah-kah ! !T'Kaaaaa !"

She ends in a crow's echoing shriek as the gears of Mab's wall turn, with it the trees of her forest behind it, limbs snapping and cracking into place with the deep sounds of breaking trees.

At the base of the steps is a small circle in which something may have once been, but Mab appears satisfied with it's non-existence now, turns again to the wall.

She begins staring off into it's churning gears while picking a tooth with her claw, teeth grinding, still hunched, lost ...

Beyond the platform, a simple wooden fence gate without a fence, and path leading to. Surrounding is no other structure but the woods and a long table with only two chairs at either end.

The chair closest to Mab is considerably more elaborate, the other, polite in comfort, but barely just.

Lucretia grows quietly in the empty small clearing at the base of the steps, where whatever the offense once was.

Lucretia - "What was that ?"

With a gasp of terror Mab drops a spring from her dress at the sound of Lucretia's sudden voice behind her.

Her eyes open quickly to nervous delightment as she remembers her opinion of Lucretia.

Mab - "What was what, dear ? It's nothing, I'm sure. How are you ?"

She ends with a small squeak as she forces her mouth shut, adjusting from bitter stooped shoulders to a proper posture.

Mab - Turning to see Lucretia's face one foot from hers, "Coffee ?"

Lucretia - "No time. I'm sure you've heard I'm the caretaker for the duration of the trial."

Mab - "Of Course !" She lied.

Lucretia - "Well. We need something special. Something dad won't foresee."

Mab - "Do we hate him now ?"

Lucretia - "No. But we may still have to defend against the investigators."

Mab - "Ah, yes ..." mouthing, eyes off to the side "... in ... vest ... i ... ga ... ting ... but the Forge !"

Lucretia - "Yes !" Lucretia spouts in glee, "It's ours !"

Mab - With a hop, "Just in time for the harvest !"

A sprocket drops from under her dress and rolls away, briefly distracting them both as it spirals around them loudly, then falls over.

Lucretia - With a sudden brightness, "Yes ! Meet me there !" and she's gone in a wisp of leaves.

Turning away Mab catches a falling leaf and tucks it into her brassiere with a tiny secret smile, then resumes picking her teeth, posture proud. Then a short exhale.

Turning back she sees the pile of leaves and twigs.

Mab - With disgust, "Eck. I hate plant matter."

She returns to pick at her teeth with claw and with a tiny jolt of the gears and shake of wood, it's gone.

In Heaven, Nyx's clawed hand.

 In front of her, a torn and twisted gate of gold, rips in space revealing other worlds once secret, fallen pillars and rubble. Beyond is a shattered throne. Angels gather and care for wounded. She drops her old boots, loudly landing next to the new ones on her feet, they turn.

Nyx - "Gabril."

Mikal stands from tending to a broken angel, while Samal marches forward aggressively.

Samal - "Not here.   Why are you ?"

Nyx - "Looks like I'm here to kill you Sammy"

Mikal - "Wait !  Please Nyx.  Please.  No more."

Nyx - Still staring at Samal, "Gabril."

Mikal - "He's not here. He's gone. He lost control ... he disappeared after he did this, but his ...

Nyx - Interrupting, "His presence is felt but his substantiation is gone.   I get it."

Samal - Leans in with his height over Nyx, staring down. "And why do we tolerate this one ?"

Mikal - Exhausted, "Because she is an investigator, and is empowered to kill you if you block her way."

Nyx - "I don't need it." Smiles, claws twitch.

Mikal - Eyes wincing, "... and because without God there is no one to appoint your replacement ..." A cracking sound "... meaning it will automatically defer to your predecessor ..." Gurgling "... Lucifer." A thump.

Nyx - Atop the dead angel, smiling at him with her hand in Samal's chest from under the sternum "Whatcha gonna do Michael ? Wanna watch ?" Sternum crack.

Nameless sits on the steps halfway down the mountain, drinking from the flask cane, sweating in the sun.

Lucifer - Appears twisting from fire next to him. "Guess what ?"

Nameless - He begins unscrewing the three sections from his flask-can "You're here to carry me down the mountainside ?" Hands Lucifer the central one.

Lucifer - Stares at him blankly. "No." Takes and drinks. "Oh ... this is good ... It's a thing they say about you, you know."

Nameless - "I do know. So do I have to guess again ?"

Lucifer - Takes another sip. "Mmm. Please do."

Lucretia's eyes flicker into focus as she takes in the rooms data, revealing her to be AI. She grows vines into form as she takes in the information around ~

A dusty old church, pews torn out, arrow slit windows with beams of colored light over the dust in the air from their stained glass.

On the raised platform where would be a pulpit is a throne like chair. A low marble throne with each leg carved with the head of an Ezekiel beast at it's knee, more reclined than the average royal seat.

The room extends impossibly far behind the chair into darkness.

Lucretia - She whispers wistfully as she draws her hand across the chair's velvet arm cushioning, "... older than the naming ... "

Lucretia - Circling the throne, dragging her fingers along it's smooth curves, "... I know you'd want me to sit in it ... you wouldn't want me to sit in it all the time, but you'd want me to at least once. To show myself I'm committed."

With it's big sweeping arms hugging the seated in velvet, one would feel as though they could curl up and read a book or rule the universe on the same day.

Her father's chair ...

Lucretia - "Okay !", she says suddenly and aloud with a start at the sound of the echo into the endless chambers. Whispering, "Okay ...", she glides towards and into the arms of ...

Nameless - Her father's voice loudly in the air. "Lucretia !"

Lucretia - She jumps up with a very loud scream, the echo takes flight down endless empty halls ... the chapel much larger inside than out.

Nameless - On a cell phone next to Lucifer who seems concerned he'll break it, ringing. "Of course she's going to make me wait." with a roll of his eyes, mouthing with a sarcastically bobbing head, "She's in charge now."

Lucifer makes his disinterest apparent as he drinks.

Lucretia - When the echo finally dissipates ... "Yes ?"

Nameless - "Hi. Apparently Gabril blew up Heaven and flew away. We think he knows things so we're going bird hunting. If I were him, I'd try to hide there. Have you called the armies into formation yet ?"

Lucretia - A wide eyed pause ... "Of course I have ! And yours ? I'd imagine they make a wonderful field."

Nameless - "Oh yes, of course ..." He looks around. "Lot's of tokens."

Lucifer snickers and looks away, showing they're in the shadow of the tower, halfway down the stairs and away from view of the field.

Vines grow from the seeds of the apple Lucretia had tossed off the side, beyond them a mayhem of myths and monsters, some squabbling, some fighting, none orderly beyond their own, and therein just barely.

Lucretia - "Indeed they are many. It must be very hard to keep track of them all. Well. Off to the Forge then ! Thanks for the warning and good luck !"

Nameless - "Yes ... thank you ... Lucretia ?" A wait with no reply, "Damn it !" He smashes the phone down the mountainside, while Lucifer looks after it in dismay, then away coldly drinking.

Hippolyta Placing her hand over Pipsiveya's across a chess board, "Every move is delicate.", she whispers. "Every action must be correct and honest." She moves the piece with the smaller hand underneath. "So what is honest yet incorrect, we choose not to do."

Pipsiveya - With a smile, "So we stare in silence."

Hippolyta - "Yes. We are all weak. You, me and our opponents. Everyone carries weakness within."

Pipsiveya - "So we make strong choices and let their weakness betray them."

Hippolyta - "Silently." She moves her own piece.

Pipsiveya - "I wanted to kill that piece."

Hippolyta - "It was unwise. Incorrect."

Pipsiveya - "But I still feel like I wanted that. And now that time's gone ..."

Hippolyta - Places her hand over her daughters again and guides it. "Use that desire to remove this one instead. My flank is blocked and now I will suffer your wrath for it."

They both smile wickedly across the board in their tent, with open flaps showing nameless feet, pants and shoes now muddy, them in view, normal shots from there on.

Nameless - "May I ?"

Hippolyta - "Of course ! You are welcome." Looks to Pipsiveya "Honesty."

Nameless - Bows to the oracle, "Did you get your ice cream ?"

Pipsiveya - "We did. Lucifer paid. I had minty chip, Lucifer had rocky road and mommy had Neapolitan. No one else came." She leans in close, "But the maiden wanted to."

Nameless - "So did I. Sprinkles ?"

Pipsiveya - "They were many."

Nameless - "Excellent. And do you prefer that I call you 'oracle' or by your name ?"

Pipsiveya - "My name is Pipsiveya. I'm thirty four-seasons old, which is eight and a half years. But I was born an oracle. Conce-eeee-ived an oracle."

Nameless - "Perfect. You wisdom is intrinsic and your mathematics are sound."

Pipsiveya - "Thank you !" She answers brightly.

Nameless - "And as such it is you, Pipsiveya," with a bow "who I think should interrogate Gabril at Sanctuary."

Pipsiveya - "He's already there." She says proudly with her wide smirk high in the air.

Nameless - Assumes her tone in agreement. "It's the only place obligated to protect him. They have to."

Pipsiveya - "I know. Mommy told me the story of the mouse who cried Sanctuary."

In a medieval pub, nameless on fire with horned helm, Hippolyta and others drunk and laughing as he trusts a burning sword forward to the bar

Nameless - "You have been forgiven your crimes and I will defend your honor, but if you continue to do harm it is by My honor that I must Kill you."

A mouse on the bar shrinks back and drops a piece of cheese taken from the nameless' plate and meeps "Sanctuary !"

Everyone goes quiet, eyes wide.

Back to the tent.

Nameless - "She told you that ?"

Pipsiveya - "She tells everyone that story, but not all of it of course."

Nameless eyes go wide. Hippolyta smiles and moves a piece.

Pipsiveya - "But I can make Gabril talk, right ? He's a suspect."

Nameless - "No. He's insane. So be nice. He's very sad. Of all his brothers I think he loves his Father the most."

Her expression turns to sad awe and comprehension.

Hippolyta - Looks up from the board, looking at Pip's side. "But the tributes will betray Sanctuary if he seeks it."

Nameless - "They'll have to." Looking to Pipsiveya, "Hopefully if you go before them, maybe they won't go there at all because no one's going to question your word."

Pipsiveya - A fierce look, "And live."

Hippolyta - "Shhh ... silence Pip. Remember silence."

Wicked grins.

Hippolyta - "We agree."

Nameless - Grin back, "Good. There's a way past the gate waiting. Go to Legba. I'm going to work on getting the living world agitated. If the tributes war with the world, all the world will need to do is turn it's guns."

Persephone - Musing to the bluish corpse seated at the dinner table, "Dearest husband, you truly are starting to turn ... I think it's time to be rid of you completely."

Hades - "Pre-se-pho-neee." he voice crackled, "What ... have you done ?"

Persephone - "I've killed you. Finally. But you only know that because I just gave you the life force of this piece of fruit to borrow. A pomegranate." She holds one up, drained and devoid of color. "Get it ? Anyway. Shut up. That's not what I'm talking about."

Hades - Beginning again, "Pre-se..."

She punches him in the mouth sending the heavy dining chair he's tied sliding across the dining hall.

Persephone - "Shush. Anyway I went to a library yesterday. Because I can do things now, right ? And did you know how many celebrated human paintings and sculptures have titles beginning with 'Rape of' or 'Abduction of' ?"

A pause while he stares confused.

Persephone - "Neither do I, but let me tell you, there are many. I saw them in books. You've heard of those."

Hades - "How did you ...", he wheezes on.

Persephone - She screams "! I told you to Shut Up !" kicking the chair another three feet into a stone pillar, shattering both and showering him in rubble.

The echo is new to them, far and wide stretching down empty corridors, tunnels and caves, they are completely alone. A silent awe is shared.

Persephone - Returning her stare, "I was going to tell you that, so shush. Now of all of these depictions, do you know how many show me being raped or abducted by you ?"

She stares waiting for his interruption but there's only terrified eyes watching from a broken drained body and jagged breath.

Persephone - "Many." she continues. "But here's the funny thing." with twisted sarcasm and a twitch of the head. "Your name isn't in the title of any of them. Did you know that ?"

He stares.

Persephone - "Because as it turns out, having now 'read' of the others, this is the least interesting afterlife of all.  As could only be conceived of your mind.   A giant.  Empty.  Cave.  With a river in it.  And a boat."

She stares back at him with a furnace in her eye waiting for him to speak. Wanting him to as her fists begin to clench.

He does not.

Persephone - "So. The ... short of it is, no one cares about you, or this place, at all.  I'm the only thing here anyone talks about at all.  So I had an epiphany.  And stabbed you in the back with your mother's blade in the first available second it could actually work.  To kill death.  A lovely blade. I can see why you carried it wherever you go.  I'm going to go return it to her ... right now !"

She drags the long blade along the dinner table as she picks it up.

Persephone - "And.  I also researched the many ways to turn methane into explosives, and well, this is a land of the dead so ..."

She looks at the brightly colored digital watch on her wrist which she clearly got in a fast food meal.

Persephone - Continuing, "... in one minute and seventeen seconds this place will cave in beyond an archaeologist’s worst nightmare. You however have just over three minutes left of life in you so those last couple of minutes are really going to suck. I want you to spend that time thinking about what you've done."

He watches her walk away from him forever, heels clicking into the darkness.

The desert plain ~

Nameless stands at the bus stop, the driver in his seat, the door open. He looks suspiciously while nameless points his transfer to his pocket watch and gestures 'Come on ...'

The driver looks at him like he's crazy.

Nameless squints his eyes cruelly ...

Titania ~

She sits in Renaissance attire, matching outdoor chambers with flowered vines and lattice work. Leaning forward in a single raised throne, white and gold, wrapped in roses, she examines a poorly dressed peasant, hands tied behind his back.

Titania - "You have broken your laws of physics by coming here, and no doubt your mind will be punished upon your return." She looks deeply into the eyes of that day's meal, a wanderer nearly starved.

In his eyes he sleeps under a cherry tree.

Titania - "It's impossible for you to be here and yet ... here you are ! A crime against nature."

She stands to descend her throne's stairs.

Titania - "And we exist as a crime against yours !"

Wanderer - "So destruction is intrinsic. Here you're peaceful, but there ..."

Titania - Walks within inches of his eyes. "If we were to live in your world, You all would die. Sad human beast plant animal fish flea whatever you are, then your planet. System. Galaxy. Universe. Everything would become us."

Wanderer - "Then this is a place you've already destroyed ..."

Titania - Giggles into a mild stoop barely missing his nose with hers as one hair touches his forehead. "Oh thank Mab you're smarter than the last one ... but No. This place only has one law and it happens not to conflict."

Wanderer - "Except when it does."

Titania - A smile ... "You know ... I might just sleep with you tonight ..." Eyeing him over, "What's your name ?"

Wanderer - "Oberon."

On the plains the bus driver wanders wanders stumbling toward the armies, shirt stripped behind him, he stops.

The Bus Driver - Looking at the gathered, he raises fists to the sky for war and screams "! Har-Megiddo !" to the roaring response of monsters and drum.

~ The Rough Storybook ~

~ chapter three ~

Persephone watches from a nearby tree in the night as Orpheus and Eurydice emerge from the underworld's cavern entrance. He looks in and extends to pull her up over the high stone and into an embrace.

At their feet is two well packed back-packs, travel hats and an acoustic guitar on top of folded clothes modern 'traveler kids' may wear.

She looks down at her watch as it counts digitally '3, 2, 1' and back up to see them kiss, her smile and disappearance as a tear drops from her perch.

In a high tree placed atop a long, low mountain range, Lucretia broods over a virtual map of the tribute armies in motion. The tree is massive and uniquely grown to support a war room with a small pool in the center of a slightly larger table, grown from the tree.

The floor is as one broad limb from the side, smoothed by foot traffic. Pillars rise around, lush with leaves and vines, all overlooking Sanctuary's armies.

Nemesis - "Hey, Lucretia."

Lucretia - With a start and growing a new vine to assimilate the information, "How ?!"

Nemesis - "It's not a good sign. If I've got freedom here it means I'll be needed here. Inevitably."

Lucretia - "So what does that mean ?"

Nemesis - "So what does that mean ?"

Lucretia - "... if anyone declares Sanctuary I'll be sworn to protect them. And they need not have committed a crime to declare Sanctuary."

Nemesis - "So long as they don't make trouble."

Lucretia - "Or violate the law."

Nemesis - "No cages."

Lucretia - "To be clear. If murder is the crime and someone repeats it, you can kill them on our land. But you may not detain them in any way. Not even for a question. We will defend them unless they do harm."

Nemesis - "I only need finality, the rest is for exercise." She paces in frustrated thought and impatience.

Lucretia - "But Nemesis. If no crime has been committed, we will defend them no matter what. Against all."

Nemesis - Stares at her a moment with though, "So the investigators will be forced invade. If only even to investigate. It's ..."

Lucretia - "Yes. It's all very perfect. But not for any of us."

Nemesis - Again staring, "I don't know who, Lucretia. And I don't know what or why, but it will be right here."

Nameless feet and cane walking toward a tailor's shop, bus wrecked on the pole behind him.

In an Old Chicago style apartment, crowded furniture twenties through fifties in style, far older filling the shelves.

Rhea stirs a broth at the gas stove. She goes through the process, aggressively distracted, seasons and stirs.

Persephone - "Hello Rhea."

The aged titan drops her wooden spoon in the broth with a start and a turn.

Persephone - "Sit down. Guess where I went yesterday."

Rhea - Cautiously eyeing the blood tinted sword, "Where was that, dear ?" She turns her body slowly to square herself with Persephone.

Persephone - "First thing first, Rhea. I told you to sit down."

Before time passes in a wisp of smoke, Rhea's forced backward onto the stove. Sword pinning her through no irreparable organ, legs dangling like a child's, broth to her right is flung far.

Persephone - "I went to a library. And did you know that the root of your name is the same word for 'pomegranate' ?"

Rhea - Hissing while attempting to pull the sword from the wall, "What do you want from me?"

Persephone - "Feeling weaker than in the old days, yah ? Me too. But not so much as you."

Rhea - With vehemence spitting between clenched teeth, "It will happen to you too ... Whore. Betrayer. Murderer."

Persephone - "Excepting the fact that I'm not nor have I ever been a prostitute ... you're right. But not for the reason you think. Dress is on fire."

Rhea - Swatting to put out the burning hem of her flowered dress, but unable to reach over to the knob, "Why then are you here with such tone, whore, if not to take what's mine ?"

She growls while resuming her push against the blade's broad hilt.

Persephone - "To return your sword. Your son loved that sword. Your wedding gift." Rhea slows her struggle.

Persephone - Sitting at the edge of the wooden dining table in front of Rhea, "Do you know how many times he started a sentence with the words 'Persephone, by my mother's sword I will' ... ?" She turns off the stove. "... and then did ?"


Persephone - Glancing at her bright watch, "Hades isn't currently dead but he will be again in thirty-three seconds. I resurrected him long enough to feel the weight of the underworld cave in on top of him before he dies again."

She leans in to stare deeply into Rhea's lowered eyes trying somehow to see her mind.

Persephone - "That's what he's feeling ... right now."

Turning her eyes downward she removes a cigarette from Rhea's pack on the table and lights it with the match laying next to it with a swipe. Deeply inhaling and counting down in her mind she watches the tear roll down Rhea's cheek.

Persephone - "I don't know you, Rhea." She exhales and stands as Rhea draws back against the wall. "I don't know what you did ... or what you didn't do to raise that ..."

Inhaling a long drag she falsely swears to herself that the tear welling in her own eye will be the last she ever sheds for any of it.

Persephone - "And maybe it wasn't your fault at all, but this was justice today. And you ..."

Staring again, deeply probing as the tear is loosed. She looks down at her watch - 3, 2, 1. She looks up and pauses for the tear to flow her chin.

Persephone - "Are just going to have to Live with it !" Shattering the blade in a spiraling kick of blue smoke she's gone.

The bus crashes into a pole outside a small house wedged between two warehouses.

Titania - Gliding through Mab's gate gleefully, breaking off a hinge. "Good Morning, Sister !"

Mab, staring up at her machine winces her eyes shut at the 'ever so pleasant' sound of Titania's voice behind her. She forces her eyes open and her shoulders back, holding her skirt tightly in refusal to drop parts.

Mab - "Sister. Lovely to see you. I'd offer you coffee but ... I'm fresh out."

Titania - Noting a sudden fire erupting off in Mab's wood accompanied by tiny distant screams ... "Well clearly your kitchen staff is remiss. Will you require another ?"


Mab - "Yes please."


Titania - "So. I'm sure you've heard the news."

Mab - "Of course !" She rolls her eyes with no idea.

Titania - "Then you know that if it all goes south we may have to find a new home again ..."

Mab - Curtly as her new kitchen staff flutters in on tiny wings, "So pack your bags and go !"

She stares at them, twitching with the need to swat but does not as they are carrying coffee and cups. Many lifting at once, they pour two and add precisely the correct amount of sugar to hers while she stares in judgement.

Mab - Her shoulders start to hunch again and her eyes close to bitter wedges as she says "Thank you ..."

Titania - "Indeed we shall. But where do you think we should go ?"

Mab - "Dear God girl, pull yourself together ! Well there's that place with the rabbit ... and the dress ... or the one with the balloon ... and the dress ... and there's all sorts of new ones now. Don't you ever read books ?"

Titania - "Of course I do !" She smiles shocked as though the question were silly ... looks down with guilt.

Mab - Droning atonally, "The sound of your voice makes me want to strangle kittens."

Titania - Answering pleasantly, "Sounds unpleasant." She looks to her coffee in a sip, then turns her eyes upward to see Mab's.

Mab - "Indeed." Mab sips hers ... her eyes, which had slowly become completely closed due to the gradually increasing annoyances around her, suddenly spring open, shoulders back. "Sister ! This is Wonderful Coffee !"

Titania - Jumps delighted ! "I hoped you'd like it !"

Mab - "I love it ! Thank you ..." She holds her skirt to not drop springs.

Titania - "I made a whole big bottle for your trip !" Titania purrs in adoration.

Mab - "Oh ... sister ... that's so sweet ... I love your big bottles of things." She looks to the side confused mouthing '... trip ?'

Titania - "And do have fun while you're away." Titania hugs her tightly as a very large jug of coffee floats in precariously behind her.

Mab - "Thank you, I think I shall !" she responds dramatically. "And if it all turns south we shall forge our own way once again !"

Titania - Imploring with her brow, "I love you sister."

Mab - "Of course you do. I am that I am."

Titania giggles in her flight out the gate, breaking it off entirely. The kitchen staff places the jug at Mab's feet and flits into the wood to clean up their predecessors.

Mab - "Forging ... forging, forge, forge, forge ..." Her eyes suddenly widen, forcing her straight. "The Forge !"

She ties her big bottle to the end of her favorite walking stick and throws it over her shoulder, looking at a compass, heading south, stepping on the gate without notice.

At a pleasant café outdoors.

Saffron - Dressed in fair retro elegance behind large sunglasses, "So I got it all ! The mansion ... the armory ... and by Hera do you know how much gold she has ? Had ? I mean real gold, not dream gold or spirit gold or whatever. You can throw it through a window. I did a lot of that ... and then those thieves came to collect it ... and I watched the gargoyles eat them to protect me.

She stares through a window in the mansion at night eating popcorn ...

Saffron - "It really is all mine now ..."

Nameless - "Then you don't mind the tab ?"

Saffron - "Whatever. So what did you get out of it," sarcastically, " 'mister no one' ?"

Nameless - "Throne of the dead. A wild card for the game."

Saffron - "Hm. Sounds boring. Have you tried tennis ?"

Lucretia - Staring angrily into the pool, "He hasn't even visited them yet !"

Nemesis leans on an upright limb, looking around, waiting as Lucretia peers deeper, grumbling.

On the plains of Har-Megiddo the bus driver is painted by warriors slapping and beating their hand-prints on his chest arms and back with red, occasionally hard across the face, enraging him as he stares mad-faced at the tributes building to a roar met by millions.

Nemesis glances over the great tree's edge at Sanctuary's army at the base.

A massive field trodden dirts and grass, filled with warriors and beasts, machines and weaponry, equally monstrous, but perfectly regimented. Nonetheless exuding a lazy boredom in the sun ...

Beneath the tree, entwined in it's roots is the Forge, beyond, the military docks, warships prepared, lining the shores and further.

Nemesis glances over to Lucretia's brooding and back, moving to the edge of the command platform and faces the army. She looks back over her shoulder to see Lucretia unmoved but muttering curses.

Lucretia - Without looking up, "He doesn't even care about the tributes ! I have no fucking idea what he's going to do now. All I know is he isn't going to use anything I know about. Awesome."

Nemesis looks back to the great army and raises her arms high.

Millions, perhaps billions reply, "! Hoo ! Hoo ! Hooahhhh !"

She giggles and looks back at Lucretia who slams her fist while staring at maps, causing them to fuzz briefly. Nemesis looks back to the army and smiles. Does it again.

('Kerosene' by Big Black)

~ Nameless inside the dusty bedroom putting on a black suit.

The bus crashes through the freeway traffic, pushing all out of the way in it's careening pace. Smoking from the crash and a wobbly front wheel, blunderbuss out the window.

~ He pushes aside junk in the drawer (jogging tracker) and pulls out an earpiece.

The smoking bus crashes a police barrier.

~ Piece in the ear in the mirror, hat on the head. He opens a drawer of badges, pulls one and tucks it to the outside breast pocket.

Cars tumbling in the path through the smoke ...

~ Coat on, with cane out the door, seen from a blue light flashing.

The police in the rear view mirror turn away at the explosion in the back ground, the inside mirror shows the churning darkness filling the bus.

The smoke as it travels fades with gusts here and there, dead arms reaching from windows.

The bus hits a pole at the capitol. The smoke gathers at the crash as he slips through the gathering crowd in a gust. Up the stairs ...

In a round political assembly room shaped as an arena, a second floor observation, they argue. They debate, they pose, they sit in silent refusal.

Nameless feet and cane walking up the stairs to the hall.

Each politician is seen differently with three spirits around them, one whispering sweetly in each ear, stroking the politician's hair while the third observes the room, occasionally leaning in to give the two directives and observations.

The inside security respond with fear and stand straighter as he passes, looking eye to eye as a commander, brow furrowed, looking them over. They seem to know and fear him, like an inspection.

Doors open as he passes the long hall, eyes of agents pass to one another in in fear. He's seen eyes burning, followed by an army of dead, blunderbuss up loaded.

They close the last door behind him, seeing nothing.

As he enters, ghosts unseen, a gust of cold wind enters with him, papers are mildly disturbed, as all stop to look at him as he closes the doors loudly with an echo, clicking his stick on the marble floor and sitting in an empty seat in the gallery above the proceedings.

The spotters stare frozen at him, uncertain what to do while the whisperers themselves keep speaking but guardedly watch him.

Nameless - Echoing, "My apologies. Please. Continue."

The politicians look annoyed as they return to squabble.

Lucretia scrolls though locations on the map before finding one lit red.

Lucretia - "Got you. Apex !" She looks up. "Nemesis !"

Nemesis - Arms raised "What ?!"

"! Hoo ! Hoo ! Hooahhhh !"

Apex - Voice fills the air from the mountain's base before the army, "Ready."

Lucretia - "Protect the whisperers. He's brought an army of dead with him, size unknown. I'm there as soon as I gear up with Mab."

Apex - "Mab ... ?"

Apex sits on a stump, helmet off, suspiciously smelling the coffee as he stares at her, raising an eyebrow.

Apex - "The dead ... ?"

He's on the ground being devoured shooting wildly with a pistol screaming "I'm not even alive you fucking bastards !!!"

Lucretia - "Yah ! Remember all those times you got to stand around cheering while dad took out the armies for you ?"

Apex - A short laugh "Yeah ..."

Nameless on fire screaming mad and laughing to the skies as waves pulse from him sending hundreds flying, sword swings each the same while behind him Apex and similarly armored soldiers lay about with helmets off, stumbling drinking and cheering ...

"! Hoo ! Hoo ! Hooahhhh !"

Lucretia - "It won't be like that."

Apex - "No ..."

Along the path, still in her wood, Mab and a stranger sit on two small stumps around a third larger acting as a table with her coffee jug and two cups.

Mab - "It's a little disconcerting, don't you think ? I mean they could be watching us right now !" Mab pours the first coffee from her jug for the man she met wandering just south of her land.

Wanderer - Takes the cup and a sip. "This is good coffee !"

Mab - "Of course it is. My sister made it. You say obvious things." She stirs the perfect quantity of sugar from her leather pouch with the claw on her smallest finger.

Wanderer - "You're saying that there is one reader who is many ... depending on which book you're in ... because there are many copies. And while there are many readers, each book has only one at a time ... I'm following."

Mab - "Yes !" She licks the coffee from her brass claw. "We do exactly as we're written to ! Everything we say ! But ! What we look like, what we sound like and even all our most secret reasons why ... those are decided by the reader. Not even consciously and quite against our will !"

Wanderer - "You don't like what you look like ?"

Mab - "I always like the way I look."

Wanderer - "I don't really think about it that way ..."

Mab - "Obvious."

They share a pause over the good coffee.

Wanderer - "So who's the writer ?"

Mab - "We don't talk about that in mannered company."

Wanderer - "But ... that person ... chooses the words and worlds and the reader chooses the motivations, appearances and subtleties ... you're saying we have no choices at all ! So Sanctuary isn't real !"

Mab - "Of course it's real ! That's stupid. Because we are here." She leans in. "It's the facets. You see while there is only one ..." She leans closer into a whisper "writer ..." and back with another sip. "... the readers shatter the original idea with their many interpretations."

Wanderer - "So we exist in many places at once !" He finishes his cup. "First as one idea, bound and communicated in paper volumes then turned to air by the readers' spark, our souls afire. Then that's what we are ! We are the burning of books !"

Mab - "Oh my ..." She fills his cup again. "My sister's going to like you ... what's your name ?"

Wanderer - "They say the Shax Bard." He sips the coffee, "Mm. And yours ?"

She raises a brow and drinks as he falls over.

In an iron structure a giant metal man who appears to be made from a truck leans on against a massive forge, flipping his hammer in one hand while looking at a license plate watch on the other wrist.

Smaller metal men, barely larger than his foot, but only slightly larger than human, pound and haul, grinding orders and replies. Lazarus throws a chained spear and pulls one in and starts pounding out of boredom as it squeals gleefully.

Lucifer - With no attempt to hide the smugness of his return to Heaven, "So what now, Mikal ? Orders ?"

Mikal is supporting a limping broken winged angel to a stone bench half crumbled. He looks back with annoyance and gently helps his brother to the seat in which he slumps and pulls up his bad leg in agony, then turns walking directly to.

Mikal - "You command the armies. I command you. WE follow HIS last command, which is to support the investigation." Leaning in close, "After I kick your ass."

Lucifer - Smiling with true delight, "Christmas dinner it is then."

Mikal shows a broken rage before pounding him hard across the jaw, half turning him to a hunch.

Lucifer - Sadistically, "Oh ... Mikal ... Gimme !" Turns back to spin grabbing Mikal's Wing under his arm and cracking it to Mikal's roar and his own mad delight.

Now back to back, Lucifer is reaching for the other wing when Mikal grabs him under his jaw and pulls with a hard flip over his shoulder putting Lucifer face down in front of him.

Lucifer starts to push himself up laughing while in obvious pain as Mikal elbow drops him between the shoulder blades, then again in the back of the head. And again, cracking the marble floor under Lucifer's face.

Moaning, Lucifer rolls over slowly to his back, fiddles with his nose then cracks it back in shape while Mikal does the same for his wing.

Lucifer eyes sideways to the vague impression of his face in the floor. Smiles and lights a cigarette, glowing as though he just had sex. Mikal stares off the edge of the platform at the infinite universe.

Lucifer - Exhaling "Look Mikal," looking again at the cracked floor. "You've gone and broke Heaven again." Looks up and inhales. "I only asked my orders." Exhales. "But you always were the naughty one, weren't you ?"

Mikal - "Our orders are to support the investigation. We find Gabril. He knows what we need to. It's what broke him."

Lucifer - "First Heaven, now Sanctuary ... Naughty. Naughty. Boy."

Lucretia's eye back and forth, under lit by the map's light, sounds of screaming ghosts and whisperer's, shouting diplomats. Clearly stressed but processing the data.

Lazarus - In a voice like grinding iron, "She's here."

Lucretia's eye creases with a smile before she disappears as a leaf lies in view.

At the forge ~

Mab sits on Lazarus' shoulder, holding her saucer and her cup, shouting over the noise ...

Mab - "Have you noticed that in all the favored tales it's always a little girl being harried by the bad monsters and men ?" Sips. "I find that suspicious."

Lazarus pauses to consider, nods and continues pounding.

Mab - "Ooo ! And a sprocket goes ... there ...", waving the saucer in the general direction of his work. Then mischievously smiles with another sip, "Make it a 13 prong."

Lazarus grinds a laugh and grabs one of the little metal men, begins to pound it flat as it cheers.

Hippolyta and Pipsiveya in a travel tent, mother near sleep, daughter awake staring up.

Pipsiveya - "Did you know that God told Gabril a secret ?" Staring at the tent's roof with feathers hanging.

Hippolyta - Stirring a bit, "I didn't know that. Goodnight Pip."

Pipsiveya - "It's true. And then He told him never to tell even that he had a secret."

Hippolyta - "Go to bed Pip."

Pipsiveya continues to stare up.

~ The Rough Storybook ~

~ chapter four ~

The assembly hall is filled with squabble and shouting matches as ancestors and wronged accuse and plead with the living. Whisperers are torn away from them and thrown into the writhing walls of dead which now make the room.

Nameless is still seated, posing one of the action figures left for him by Pipsiveya in a 'crane style' karate pose on it's stand when Apex appears before him, helmet off, looking uncomfortably to the side.

Behind him the room is filled with blue flashes encircling the room as soldiers appear pointed at the center ready to take it. Walls begin reaching for the soldiers as on by one they turn and realize ... screams begin as they are dragged in firing their guns wildly.

Apex - Hangs his head in exasperation. "The dead ? Really ?"

Nameless - Stands as Apex draws back a step. Holds up the action figure in it's perfect pose facing him. "Better put that helmet on soldier."

Apex's eyes fill with mistrust of the small figure as nameless places it on the floor between them.

Nameless - "A tribute from the oracle."

They both stare ... Apex slowly puts on his helmet.

A wave of dead sweep Apex away screaming into the walls with the rest, shooting his pistol and screaming, "But I'm not even fucking alive !"

Nameless looks disappointed as he picks up the toy and returns it to his pocket. Looks over the assembly room now seen only filled with arguing representatives, waving and slamming their fists and holding papers fiercely.

Nameless - "! You !" His voice echoes to a room which silences. "You're all Mad !"

They stare silently.

Nameless - "And I will consort with you No More !"

He turns to the door as one by one they return to argument and security opens the doors for him. The last hallway to the exit is empty except for Lucretia and sleeping guards, mumbling and giggling.

Nameless - "What is that ?" He asks as Lucretia's barring his path with the strangest brass rifle he's ever seen.

Lucretia - "Dad ! Guess who made it to the Forge on time."

Nameless - His his eyes wince shut and shoulders hunch forward in anticipation ... "Mab."

Lucretia - "Yes. And she promises me, with a kiss on my lips and a lick up the bridge of my nose ...", She closes her eyes for a moment with a lovely quiver ... "That this will hurt you. A lot."

Nameless - "Did she tell you what it does ?"

Lucretia - "No. But she did say there's an 83.627 percent chance ... with some sexy rounding ... that you'll survive."

She activates the loading mechanism as a metallic slide like a door slam echoes out of it's spinning gears.

Lucretia - "But ! No one actually knows what will happen when you die, so ... call it a physics experiment."

Nameless - "That sound didn't do anything. You added that."

Lucretia - "That's right !" She puts her eye to what appears to be a scope. "So cool ..."

Nameless - "Does that thing even zoom in ?"

Lucretia - Looking up in rage, "I can't believe you just asked me that. Now I'm definitely going to shoot you."

Her eye returns to sights as a second activation sequence sounds out like a heavy steel barrel bouncing down a flight of stairs.

Nameless - "Lucretia ..."

Lucretia - "Meditating on the time you tried to delete me now !"

Nameless - "You said you were going to kill me !"

Lucretia - "How the hell could I do that from inside a computer ?!"

Nameless - "Well you're out now and here you are. It was actually kind of adorable though ... I was a little bit proud, really."

Lucretia - Twitching in rage, "I really need to shoot your face off."

Nameless - "Fine. Let's d..."

With a scratched phonographic sound of a crow's cackling caw from it's gears, she takes the shot.

The keeper of the book smiles. A page turned.

Keeper - "Sanctuary."

The field before her crumples before her into swirling rubble, a picture of Sanctuary's gate ahead.

Nemesis - Watching Lucretia from the viewing pool as nameless slumps, jumps and raises her arms when nameless drops. "! Woo !"

"! Hoo ! Hoo ! Hooahhhh !" echoes to the next scene.


Saffron walks up Persephone's drive looking at the ad clipped from the paper.

'Extraordinary wealth promised for year round live-in service. Ancient lady seeks grounds keeper for autumn through winter, servant from spring through summer. Use of the cars is permitted if maintained, but not the motorcycle.'

Saffron - To herself, "Who the hell rides motorcycles ?"

Saffron rolls her eyes and drags herself forward, while Persephone eyes her 'hippie attire' , arms crossed on the porch.

Saffron - Looking at Persephone, to the clipping and back, "You don't look ancient to me."

She drives out to a grocery, hardware store, mall, etcetera and back, all in vastly different cars and clothing, having way too much fun. Lastly eyeing the motorcycle tarp on the way to the Austin Healey.


Saffron watches a movie in the theater, eating popcorn with 3D glasses.

Actor A - "Persephone ! How could you ?! You're the queen of the dead !"

Actor B - "I couldn't help myself damn you ! Take me now !"

Saffron drops the piece of popcorn in her hand, mouth open.


Saffron suspiciously eyes a 'Bullfinch’s Mythology' sitting next to her on a park bench.


Over instant noodles on piles of cushions

Persephone - "I told you who I was the first day !"

Saffron - "But you didn't say you were a Goddess !"

Persephone - "I said I was Persephone ! I told you I went to the underworld for two seasons out of the year !"

Saffron - "I though it was some weird spa for rich people or something ... I kind of felt left out that you never invited me ..."

Persephone stares at her.

Saffron - "Well you should have told me."

Persephone - "But didn't you notice that we haven't aged ?"

Saffron - "Well yeah, but ... you know ..." in fading tone.

Persephone - "We never will." Persephone twirled her noodles and poked a chicken square. "I did wonder why you never asked all those silly questions like the rest ..."

Saffron - With noodles hanging from her mouth, "Like what ?"

Persephone - Giggling, "Oh ... you know ...", quoting in a funny voice " 'What's it like to be a goddess' and all that ..."

Saffron - Mumbling around her noodles, "That's dumb. That's like asking someone what it's like to smoke pot." She slurps the cup.

Persephone - Hesitating a moment, "Well ... actually ... I was kind of wondering exactly that."

Saffron - Bursts out laughing as noodles took flight. "I knew it !"

~ Tonight ~

She stares from the window at the empty place the motorcycle sat under the shed overhang, lantern lit.

The bus driver, now covered in red hand-paint and bruises screams forth, pulls on great chains. Behind him he painfully draws a massive chariot holding an apparatus appearing as a medieval mortar, though ornamented and trimmed with gold.

Behind in it's cart, the keepers of the book stand, the center keeper still surrounded by those who hold the book and turn it's pages. She chants from the inscriptions as a portal opens, showing the gates of Sanctuary. High and wrought pyres and spikes dot the ancient timbered gate, set between two cliffs.

Pages turn and ingredients begin to appear in her right hand, drawing them from the left and mixing as a dark powder flowing to the apparatus. Surrounding the cart are the banner women, ornately dressed in flowing white with long sleeves spinning and dancing forward with the battle cart.

They shower the driver with petals and blessings as it appears sheer madness gives him the strength to pull it. The dancers quickly accumulate dust and sand in their spinning, coloring their wear to the land.

Behind the tributes march in vainglorious fanfare, brutally disorganized and fearlessly chanting for blood by drum. "Sanctuary ! Sanctuary !" but not in the tone of request. They bang their shields and armor with a rageful challenge.

Sidhe ride dragons on the wind, flanked by angels and eastern serpents, angels giving the most attempt to fill gaps and achieve structure.

Lucifer, though wingless hovers next to Mikal, flapping wings behind to pause in the air.

Lucifer - "There you go brother, it's all in place. They will avenge the nameless and flush out Gabril."

Mikal - "You didn't do this. Don't pretend that you did."

Lucifer - A pause to look at the keeper's chariot. "You've always hated me Mikal. Always. But you've never understood why. It's a sliver in your soul.

Mikal continues looking over the field.

Lucifer - "It's because I was right all along and you knew it. You always did. You just couldn't stand what that meant." He looks at Mikal, "And because you're my little brother and I love you." He looks to the flying dragons and serpents with a smile. "And because you know I'll Always look after you. I think you hate me for that most of all."

Mikal looks at him emotionless for a moment, then looks back over the field.


Mikal - Grimly, "You talk a lot."

Nameless' blurred eyes open looking down at his legs in his throne. He's gripping the arms as the world seems to sway. The entire chapel shakes rhythmically as if a timed quake while the chapels bell rings to each shake and fades between.

Nameless - "Why ... ground is moving ... ?"

He focuses as Lucretia comes into view, her strange weapon inches from his face, down the barrel he sees the fierce seriousness in her eyes.

Lucretia - "You've been forgiven your crimes and I will defend your honor, but if you fuck with me it is by my honor that I must kill you twice. Do ! You ! Seek ! Sanctuary ?!"


Lucretia - Face turns to a 'tadah' like smile other hand up and shaking jazz-hand "Yah ?"

Nameless - "You shot me ! Why is the ground moving ?" Realizing the consistent shakes and falling dust. "Is Sanctuary under attack ?!"

Lucretia - "Yes. I shot you. Congratulations. You survived deletion." Relaxes the gun upward. "You hit the ground, faded into it and then I freaked out, got a report we were under attack and I freaked out some more, came here and you were passed out in your chair. The ghosts became ... confused after you were down. They wandered off. Apex's team retook the room."

In the night a sleeper wakes in cold sweat ...

" ! Zombies !"

Nameless - Slumping into the chair, "... they are not easy to gather ..."

In the night another sleeper wakes in cold sweat ...

" ! Zombies !"

He tries to get up and fails under a swaying balance while Lucretia paces, vines attaching through cracks in the floor with perfect balance.

Nameless - "When humans take the time to argue with each other, it means they aren't killing each other. Remember it. And they needed the kick-start for the invasion coming. I was done when you got there."

Lucretia - "Fine. But you looked ... different when you were sleeping. By the way. I just got here." Eyes uncomfortably to the side, "Then you went back to normal when you started to wake up ..." Eyes go to the other side now arms crossed. "So anyway yes. We are under attack, and it's because I shot you, but that's not why the floor's moving."

Out to show the chapel walking on geared and steam legs through the woods toward the gate, bell banging wildly then flying off into the trees, behind which the tribute armies begin to arrive through the portal.

To the Amazons on the field.

Jean D'Arc - Modern street dress, would blend in punk and street circles invisibly, looking through binoculars at the moving tributes then to the chapel, Lucretia seen with nameless. "Damn."

She jumps from the short viewing tower to her tribe, Amazon, many similarly dressed, others their own thing.

Jean D'Arc - "Boadicea !"

Boadicea pulls up to her through a separating throng of Amazons knowing it's time to decide. She and her three daughters are now one with their chariot, the three make the front, each armed with a bow, while Boadicea's form rises from the base. Possible Mab/Forged influence, but unique. Old, tone of Nyx's claws.

The chariot itself is pulled by her many slain as she whips them, though as ghosts they travel at great speed. It drags the heads of fallen kings bouncing in the dirt behind, their hair braided into the rope pulling them and their crowns dangling above them, separated.

Jean D'Arc - Looks to the movement "Go find out."

Boadicea nods and they ride out as Jean D'Arc returns to the binoculars.

Jean D'Arc - To the waiting tribe behind her, still looking across the field. "It was her command to hold this place first, follow her lead second and assist the nameless third."

She drops the binoculars from her sight and turns to them.

Jean D'Arc - "We've held this place, her lead was to go to Sanctuary to find Gabril, assisted by the nameless who is there now as well." Looking back to the field, "She is bound as an investigator but we are not ..."

She looks up to Mikal and Lucifer hovering in the distant sky, angels and dragons ...

Jean D'Arc - Suddenly turning, "Prepare ! Upon Boadicea's return, we ride for Sanctuary. We hold those walls against the tributes so the oracle can do her job ! We know Hippolyta is there ! The Oracle is there ! Prepare ! Go ! She is the Wind, Boadicea ! We hold that land Safe !"

She storms to inspect the gathering soldiers as motorcycles arrive.

Jean D'Arc - "Keep mortar on the ridge, outside of Har-Megiddo. If you enter that field, you are in the game ! Live to Live ! Die to die."

Amazons make ready as she returns to the binoculars, catching a flash of Boadicea in the distance among the mob. Horns sound and history's most powerful women begin to appear, ready for war.

Jean D'Arc - With binoculars again, looking across the tributes, focusing on the greater beasts, then the keeper's' war chariot, the keeper looks back and beckons with a finger. "We need guns !" Lowers the binoculars. "! We need bigger guns !"

In Hippolyta and Pipsiveya's travel tent.

Pipsiveya - "People who die at Har-Megiddo stay dead, don't they ?"

Hippolyta - "Yes they do Pip. It's where the gods go to settle their scores."

Pipsiveya - "But Sanctuary is still safe, right ?"

Hippolyta - "Nothing is if it stands in the way of the investigation. No one."

Pipsiveya - Rolls over in her bed away from Hippolyta. "But we'll be okay."

Hippolyta - Puts out the lantern "Yes we will."

A tear rolls down Pipsiveya's cheek as she closes her eyes.

In the dark with the sound of water dripping into cavernous pools.

Nyx - Whispered as if directly in an ear, "Hi Gabe. No ... don't move."

Fearful breathing.

Nyx - "Where's daddy ?"

! Intermission !

(Six minute countdown clock, Saffron watching an unheard movie while eating popcorn slowly looking shocked before lighting a cigarette (it's 1976) and thoroughly enjoying it)

~ The Rough Storybook ~

~ chapter five ~
Mab sits on a log before a stump with a tablecloth, sharing her coffee with an unknown woman.

Woman - "So ... what exactly is Sanctuary"

Mab - "Well. Sanctuary was founded by a warlord with no name in 2008." She sips. "It was all very exciting." Turns her eyes away with another sip.

Woman - "So ... what happened ?"

Mab - "Oh ! Well he found an empty world. A prototype universe, they say, abandoned. He was looking for a home for his soul."

Woman - "And ..."

Mab - "Eck." Puts down her cup. "You're an impetuous little thing. What's your name ?"

Woman - "I'm Mariposa Liddell."

At a dirty Victorian orphanage an unpleasant nun fills out paperwork - "Mum was a crazy and Da was an opium sot !"

Mariposa - Back at the table, she twitches her eye at the sound in her head, "You're Mab. A clockwork fairy ?" She looks up a moment as though she had heard something, then back in shock, "And you're bloody off your rocks."

Mab - "And your coffee will not be special. Take that as you will."

Mariposa - "Whatever. Will you please tell me the story now ?"

Mab - "I'm really quite busy at the moment ..." Turns in her chair.

Mariposa - "I know your secret." She sets down her cup.

Mab - Eyes widening, she turns them, then her head, then the rest of her slowly toward her guest. "Well ! As I said, it was all very exciting."

Begin grained black and white puppet show with socks ~

"In 2006 a nameless warlord found a realm. It was completely empty."

A dead sock-puppet, x for eyes in front of a throne and nameless puppet placed on the cushion.

"A place for him and his people alike back when they were few. A scattering of warriors and vermin ...

Angry puppets. " 'grrr ...'

"Some of these unkindly types were old demons with whom he had become acquainted over the years and found them honorable in spite of their assorted, sorted and sordid tales. By his standards, anyway ...

Grizzled puppets next to half drunk beers. "Hm.

"They told him it was painful to be sealed and the seals were used to control them all ! This is why the demons were so angry all the time. So then he got angry too ...

Angry puppet next to empty beer and sword. " 'grrr ...'

"... and as he does love to play war ... they began to raid the many hells and break every seal they could find. To each and all of the confined he gave his word :

Puppet with paper fire and sword taped to it while Mab makes a 'deep warrior voice' :

" 'You have been forgiven your crimes and we will defend your honor, but if you continue to do harm it is by our honor that we must kill you.' "

The burning puppet bobs at another. " 'Derp dee-der !'

" 'Do ! You ! Seek ! Sanctuary' ?!'

"If the beast could not be redeemed, they would slay it there standing."

A pile of dead puppets. " 'aaaa ...'

"From then on Sanctuary was given to any and all. In 2008 he made it official."

Puppets carrying puppets. " 'yay ...'

"Within a year, Sanctuary became vast. With many governances of tales and myth within, lost spirits and forgotten threads ..." She starts sounding increasingly recited, "... schools for dreamers to dream, within while stories old and new walk beside the living. All bound by one law. 'No cages'."

Happy socks " 'yay ...'

"! There !"

Back to coffee, Mab puts away a pamphlet.

Mariposa - "That doesn't make any sense at all. The entire thing rests on his decency, while his army ever grows with more hellish socks !"

Mab - "Indeed it does."

Mariposa - "Is that why your bag is packed ?"

Mab - "I will swat you."


Persephone and Saffron on the property court, Persephone in the same outfit while Saffron's changes according to the day and her concept of a 'tennis outfit'.

Persephone - "But didn't you notice the gargoyles were eating the intruders ?" She serves.

Saffron - "No !" She hits back. "Well yes !" And again, "But I was sleeping !" ... "I heard growling" ... "went back to bed !" She misses. "Damn it !"

Persephone - "Well it's a good thing I didn't hire you for security !" She serves again.

Saffron - "Ha !" A return. "What am I going to do ?" ... "Damn it !"


Persephone - "But I disappear from my room every time I leave for the harvest !" She serves.

Saffron - "I though you had" ... "a secret exit !" ... "Like Versailles !"

Persephone - "Never been there !"

Saffron - "Me neither !" ... "Damn it !"


Persephone - "But I talked about my husband ! About going to the underworld to deal with him !" She serves.

Saffron - "I thought" ... "he owned" ... "the ski lodge !"

Persephone - "Ski lodge !?"

Saffron - Dancing - "! A point !"


Saffron - "You know what was suspicious even before I read about you is that you're really good at tennis but you've never actually gotten any better at it !" She serves. "That's really weird !" ... "Damn it !"

~ Tonight ~

She stares at the empty court through the dusty window, touching it's glass bubbled deeply with age.

Persephone's voice - "True glass is a liquid, that's why it does that. It just takes a very long time for it to flow."

She drags down long hallways with her candles to her quiet bed, once her lady's. But on her pillow is an extraordinary chocolate and a note.

Persephone's voice - "My dearest Saffron,

"Sometimes what we think we know isn't what is. Looking forward to your arms around me as we ride. Soon. I promise it."

"Your beloved Persephone."

Lucretia's mouth, twitching with thoughts, plans and possibly something in her teeth, noise and shaking side to side from the chapel's movement.

Nameless - "You killed my people parts you know. That's why I woke up in my chair."

Lucretia - Her mouth smiles, "Even."

The movement comes to a stop.

The walking chapel towers over Sanctuary's gate as nameless and Lucretia observe from it's second story, through two arrow slit windows in the stone, a few feet from each other. At the gate waits the bus driver with the keeper of the book's chariot surrounded by countless bloodthirsty.

Bus Driver - "! Wooooords !  We seek Words with the keeper of ... 'Sanctuary' ... whosoever or what ! you may be ... Make them Tearful ! Make them Sullen and Apologetic words, and then give us entry to your land.  ! Speak !"


Lucretia - "! No !"
Nameless - "Hey ! You big flapping moron ! I'm right here !"

Bus Driver - "We care not of You ... nameless betrayer, Liar and Coward from identity itself. ! And Thief ! You are a low and haunted creature who Befouls these fine investigations with your Predictable Treachery. We see just as you say, You are right There !"

The crowd roars their disapproval.

Bus Driver - Continues as he shakes his great chains to cheering throngs. "No ! We seek the head of God the Betrayer ! God who killed his fair wife Asherah ! She who was most beloved of All the Gods and Myths Alike ! She who was the flower of this Earth when He took Her from us All !"

The armies wail behind him cheering Her name as the driver looks back to them, shaking his chains in pride.

Lucretia - To nameless, "Huh."

Nameless - "Yeah ..." He extends his scope to see the smiling keeper of the book looking back at him, a bit twisted, ready to war.

Bus driver - "We seek Also the Head of Gabril the Destroyer. Ruinator of Heaven's most peaceful plains ..." He hangs his head and shakes it before snapping it back up. " ! Gabril !" Betrayer of his own angelic wisps and these Good Trials Alike !"

Cheers acknowledged with turns and nods.

Bus driver - "And You, Lucretia, Daughter of nameless evils and keeper now of Evil's Dark Land which we will now ... ! Raze ! to the ground. First it is especially Your head we seek to top the piles and pyres which we burn Tonight ! Because it is You who keeps these Heads from ! Us !"

He turns to face the blood thirsty screams behind him.

Bus driver - "Today we Purify ! ! Tonight we Feast !"

Greater cries reach out and fill the plains.

Lucretia - Looking over the vast field of impending brutality. "If it hadn't been us it would have been the living, wouldn't it ?"

Nameless - "Yes, it would."


Lucretia - "Sorry I killed your people parts."


Nameless - "Sorry I deleted your file."


Lucretia - "Tried. You tried to delete my file. You didn't format the drive."

Nameless - "I know. I believed in you."

She looks at her father examining the field with war in his eye, then looks back.

Lucretia - Amplified across the field "! No !"

Amazon scenes running much longer than the clips.

('Fists of Love' by Big Black)

Saffron runs to the mansion armory and flings the doors wide.

A motorcycle wheel on the plains, view back to masses of Amazon bikers, many pulling chariots with gunners and others their own guns. They curve to approach the mass of tributes from behind.

Persephone lowers the visor of her motorcycle helmet and leans in over the handlebars of a fast looking motorcycle, modified beyond make, if ever it was.

The Amazons split to surround the mass in single file on either side. At the back is Jean D'Arc atop a chariot waiting.

Saffron - There's a weapons missing and she smiles, touching an open wooden sword box, a sword's empty place seen set in red velvet with another chocolate.

Moving Amazons further along side the mass, chariot gunners turn to fire.

Persephone - Talking her way through the process, "Flip the switch and slow rev up."

The engine sounds out like hovering explosions ...

They gun wildly along the wall of warriors running parallel causing them to stop and turn, many falling before the heavy guns. The edges of the mass slows causing discord in their forward flow. More and more turn to regard the new threat.

Saffron looks at an empty velvet placement, chewing another chocolate, "The blowgun ... ?"

Jean D'Arc's team heads for the middle of the mass, a three bike team, the front with a wedged tip, pulling an anti aircraft gun which she fires directly ahead screaming.

Persephone - "Hold the brake and grind the wheel ..." Her back wheel grinds, a sword on her back with a lock of Saffron's hair hanging from the pommel.

The back of the mob turns among the many fallen and being shredded.

Saffron runs back to the bedroom and finds another chocolate on the bed, the window open she hears the roaring motorcycle.

Jean D'Arc's side gunners and riders prepare to enter the storm of raiders, followed by many more. The riders of her chariot bikes pull chainsaws, followed by those behind.

Persephone - "Now just. Let. Go."

Jean D'Arc's binoculars show the keeper of the book turning back over her shoulder and smiling at her. Pulling back shows that the Amazons have the field surrounded, though thinly. Guns and mortar are prepared while archers take place in the high ground, all outside the field.

Their method is to herd the massive army into a tight pack stumbling over itself, which from a distance appears as a near gelatinous mass of 'warrior', moving and squirming amoeba-like.

Pipsiveya - Whispering in darkness. "It's okay. I know you can't tell, no matter how much you want to. So just look at my eyes. He knew I would find you, Gabril. That's why I'm here, so just open your eyes and look at mine. It was His plan.

Gabril sobs and opens his eyes as the golden light escapes them with tears streaming out filling the room and Pipsiveya's eyes, showing her holding his cheeks in her hands.

Pipsiveya - Hugs him around the head as the room goes dark again with the closing of his eyes. "Thank you Gabril. I know how hard that was."

Gabril cries again into the black.

In another place, a white light, tempered, not blinding.

Nyx's voice - "Hey big guy.  You know why I'm here."

Nameless - "Didn't I just give an uncountably large army the other day ?"

Lucretia - "You know ? I never actually considered them all that useful."

At the great tree Nemesis is doing high impact aerobic dance while the army attempts to follow. She is wearing headphones and all are oblivious to any noise but their own.

Nemesis - "! Hey ! West Flank ! Shape it Up !"

Nameless - "Hm."

Lucretia - "And ... didn't you recently become the king of the dead ... ?"

Nameless - "They wandered off, remember ? You have no idea what it's like gathering those things. I got nothing."

A sleeper wakes from a nightmare.

"... fucking zombies ..."

Lucretia - "Oh. Hm."

Nameless - Drinks and starts squeezing his way through the arrow slit, waving his cane, "Bring it on, Pansy Cakes ! I'm going to eat that fat brain of yours !" He jumps down and lands before the behemoth.

The bus driver pauses and raises a brow, while behind him the book's keeper smiles, lowering her mortar.

Keeper - "Fire." The mortar blows nameless through the gate, destroying it.

Nameless - Stumbling to get up in the rubble and dusting himself, "God Damn it ! I'm not in that book !"

Lucifer hovers down, arms crossed as nameless stands, then looks at him crossing his arms in a mean squint.

Lucifer - "You owe me a cellphone."

Nameless - "Fine."

They uncross their arms and turn away from each other as nameless is violently swept to the sky by Mikal with a sonic boom traveling upward.

Bus Driver - "! They are breached !" Pour Fourth into that foul land. Pour forth and Purify ! ! Har-Megiddo !"

Lucretia furrows her brow observing this, then rolls her eyes before looking rapidly across the field, eyes darting.

The vines grown from the base of the temple tower start crawling toward the invaders from behind to right. Past the Amazon camp and under paths they thin out to capture as much of the mob as she can understand from where she is.

As many runners begin to pour through the broken gate and between the chapel's stomping legs, they see Lazarus grinding laughter and wielding his hammer, metal men exiting the bushes, all laughing along, carrying shards of iron.

Hippolyta stands in front of a cave over a temple looking toward the breached gate from within Sanctuary. Priestesses exit the temple beneath to see what has happened.

Pipsiveya - Exiting the cave behind her - "The trials are wrong."

Hippolyta - Turning back to her with shock, "What !? You mean ..."

Pipsiveya - "Asherah is alive. The trials are wrong. God ... He walked away. No one knows why but Gabril. But God's innocent."

Hippolyta does not question her daughters word, even within. She looks back to the metal men attempting to stave the invasion, though many pour by with sheer number.

Hippolyta - "We've got to protect Gabril."

Pipsiveya - "Agreed."

Nameless struggles with Mikal, beating him with his cane while they rocket high up over all where atmosphere thins.

Mikal - Head jerking in response to beating fist and stick, holding him off with both hands gripping and not letting go as they rise, "You ! This is all your doing !"

Nameless - "Get off me you damned cherub !" Beating him now two handed with the stick. "I Didn't ! Do ! Anything !" He points a blunderbuss to Mikal's face which fizzles in the thinning atmosphere.

Mikal pauses and swats it out of his hand putting his around nameless' throat, holding him low and squeezing hard with a furious hatred in in his eyes.

Mikal - "It's ! Just ! ! You !"

Nameless - Struggling to speak, "This ... Isn't ... Personal ..."

('It Will' by Pain Teens)

Mikal's eyes go wide with horror and nameless slides out of his now open hands and into a fall, just missing his reach for the cane's handle, which appears to be protruding from Mikal's ass, under the plates of his armor.

Nameless goes wide eyed backward into free-fall cursing back to Earth while Mikal slowly cartwheels away ...

Nameless struggles with his scope against raising wind of atmosphere, attempting to right himself to view flat, he looks for Har-Megiddo.

Barely sighted, he lets the scope fall behind him and stretches his arms to steer his way.

Nameless - Grinning while he starts to gain velocity and the sky turns blue, "I'm coming for you, you mad bastards."

His clothes and hair burst into flame with the rest of him, while he laughs wildly, face forward and arms pressed at his side, Eyes and lips flapping wide with his grin.

From below the Jean D'Arc looks up from the field at the sound of a sonic boom and puts up her binoculars showing a fireball streaking. She furrows her brow with concern to it's uniqueness and turns the anti-aircraft gun to it looking through it's long scope.

Nameless is shown in the scope, naked, hairless and burning, wide eyes and teeth cursing madly for the ground to come faster.

(these scenes need to be filmed as though he were the coolest hot-rod spaceship ever being showcased burning into the atmosphere, while he flaps naked in the wind)

Nameless burns into the atmosphere, followed closely by a blunderbuss, a powder bag, a scope, some loose archaeological change and an action figure doing 'the crane'.

Jean D'Arc - Eyes going wide "Clear the Field !" She pulls a high red flag and waves it forward, as seen by the watchtower at the base of the temple. "! Clear the field ! Amazons ! To Sanctuary !"

He starts taking anti-aircraft fire, magics and explosions around him.

Lucretia notes the Amazon commotion and terrored flood beneath the chapel's feet, then notes the streaking fire ball. She focuses her eye before it goes wide.

Lucretia - "Chapel ! Sideways !" Still wide with a panic, "Drop when the last Amazon gets through and nothing else !"

She runs the the side window as the chapel turns stomping and kicking at the invaders, then slamming sideways over the frame of the shattered gate. She looks back over the rail to the chair beneath when the chapel is bumped hard.

Tall giants rush from the field to hold the chapel up and allow the keeper's war cart and attendants through then dropping it back to its feet, marching into Sanctuary, grabbing at metal men while two wrestle Lazarus.

The shelling continues, one in the face laughing ...

The Amazon tower sees the red flag and flares launched by Jean D'Arc toward the gate to Sanctuary and orders the mortars surrounding the field.

They bombard the front to thin the path before their sisters and to slow the unsuspecting front lines behind them, while the circle into the gate in long rows firing sideways then behind them as the enter, creating a deeper wall of flesh.

More mortars hit the mass from behind causing the them to slow and turn from the middle effectively slowing the herd to a near halt, front falling back against the charge in collision.

Mortars and archers then begin to pull gear and disappear with as much as they could grab, as quickly as possible.

Through madness and fire nameless watches the tiny field change shape with the motion to the gates. Ever closer he begins to make out the last of the Amazons entering the gate, countless behind them of the tribute army.

The last of the Amazon bikers enter, followed by Joan D'Arc firing back against a regrouped and charging wall stampeding their fallen. Boadicea swerves across their path, laying napalm, then turning with a flaming arrow to ignite it.

As soon as she's past the chapel it drops, blocking the gate. From the field behind is seen cannon fire, anti aircraft and magic pointlessly targeting the fireball.

Odin looks up with his one eye and sees what's coming. Looks around the field to the blocked gate and knows it's the end.

Zeus raises his lightning to the sky then lowers it knowing nothing can be done.

Loki laughs at the sight while his intestines devoured by a great black dog.

Many look up, all too late. This is the first time it's fully seen how many of the rabble were in fact gods.

Nameless hits the ground face first, creating an explosive crater across the field, swallowing and destroying everything in it's circumference, burying Sanctuary's gate and knocking the chapel sideways from the impact and buried.

All in the sky but the highest flying are swept in the rubble, knocked down by stone or flung away. On the ground gods, recognizable and not are entombed while the trial temple and it's tower are shattered, dropping the bell with a tonal thud.